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first part of a bumpy translation of 'unserere kleine reihe nr 8' manuscript of the convent abtei zu fulda...ISBN 978-3-924201-48-7
but i did add some names and stuff...its cloudwork..its not finished
in DEutschland mostly known under the name Beinwell...also Beinwurz but most kno it under
but also comfrey the name with heritage in england has settled in many places .since the
nonnes had first root pieces from north america , the name comfrey was generally accepted.
but is both truly the same plant ? why there so many names ?
witchipedia: Knitbone, knitback, consound, blackwort, bruisewort, slippery root, boneset,
yalluc, gum plant, consolida, ass's ear
while the names beinwell and wallwurz can be easily derived from the healing effect of the
plant(oldgerman term for wall is growing together), was the denotation of the word comfrey
not so definite for the nonnes.so they did some research.
they found out that
even before 1920 the med dr. charles mac alsister did made inquiries about the english name
comfrey and found out that the term is from the middle english and is connected the oldfrench
word confire =bewahren=retain .from that the name comfrey educed fast in england.
so the plant german called beinwell is called comfrey in english speaking countries.
the botanic name Sympytum derived from the greek and comes from sym phyo=ich wachse zusammen=
i growing toegether
other common name is consolida from solida which means : i make fix , i putting together
this time only knew one symphytum variety ; linne'(1707-1778)called her sympytum officinale
until today.
Nowadays in english linguistic usage comfrey is understand as from ukraiene springing special
variety of beinwell,called russian comfrey, Symphytum peregrinum .
from where is comfrey coming from ?
the uk supplier mrs.p.b.greer did sent until her death in 1968 russian comfrey symphytum
peregrinum (peregrinum means coming from abroad)from her huge fields in numbers of 5000 to
canada to an big company.but this company called it quaker comfrey caus the comunity of
quakers were very intersted in it.cause the plant has search for freedom they said they
doesnt wanted to call it russian too.from canada they came to the us,australia,newseeland and
also the comfrey from the nonnes derived from the quaker comfreyin 1966 to the convent
the last called comfrey symphytum peregrinum is not a own genre, its in fact aloud henry
doubleday research society a cross of several sorts.all sorts are similar in look and partly
in healing effects.
russian comfrey symphytum peregrinum has its heritage in ukraine and sibiria.
a gardener of katharina 2 has brought the plant from petersburg to england.
ok now its gona get more a summary eheh...now back to shizl..
symphytum uplanticum -nowaday also called symphytum peregrinum is on call of lawrence d.hills
not the same and has its heritage in sweden.
the genre symphytum
in short:
the genre symphytum appertains to family of Boraginaceae
ok thats to much for my english and they said in short lol..so ###
30-60 up to 1m tall...
leafs 40cm up to 50 long and 10-20 cm broad..
EDIT is censored ...its no nsecure connection....when search for it in ducktogo and open the link in ducktogo it will work...if you hit this direct or heilkräuter.de directly it will give first insecure connection and after exception it will root to 404 sort of...thats scary....at least when i coming from my ip or tor bouncers...
the root zone
up to 1,8m deep...
active components:
allantoin,tannins,vit b12,slime and starch as well as a slight amount of liver damaging
(funny first i have forgoten to type the r on the word liver, pretty drastic altering)
on 50°N you find it on humid parts on edge of forest,ditches,acres,meadows and under
symphytum varietys :
der heimische beinwell /native comfrey dland:
symphytum offizinale
volksnames :
(rabbitleaf),schmalwurz(maybe thinroot),comfrey and wundallheil( wound-all-hail)
hildegard von bingen and paracelcus used a local ancient beinwell for healing bone
fractures,wounds and ulcers
in folk medicine it was known as antirheumatic,collutorium and a healing ointment
comfrey or russian beinwell:
symphytum peregrinum
comfrey,russian beinwell,quaker-comfrey
as comfrey in common applies as russian beinwell which came over britian or north america
into germany , while the local healing plant beinwell got good as forgoten .
both sympytum varietys have similar attributes and can be used both in same way.
others symphytum varietys:
sympytum uplanticum
also called fodder beinwell
is a cross of symphytum asperum syn. asperrimum and symphytum offizinale
which should have less alcoloids and is used also for homoöphatie
symphytum asperum syn. asperrimum grows wild in europe...it has more peaky leafs and has mor
raw hairs and is more bristly than the real beinwell...
in volks medicine its used same as real beinwell but is not so liked cause bristyness..
the difference between both symphytum asperum syn. asperrimum and symphytum offizinale are
not examined sufficient.
symphytum grandiflorum
these are decorative plants
to be continued...in upcoming episodes :
garden growing
feeled tons of stuff
but i did add some names and stuff...its cloudwork..its not finished
in DEutschland mostly known under the name Beinwell...also Beinwurz but most kno it under
but also comfrey the name with heritage in england has settled in many places .since the
nonnes had first root pieces from north america , the name comfrey was generally accepted.
but is both truly the same plant ? why there so many names ?
witchipedia: Knitbone, knitback, consound, blackwort, bruisewort, slippery root, boneset,
yalluc, gum plant, consolida, ass's ear
while the names beinwell and wallwurz can be easily derived from the healing effect of the
plant(oldgerman term for wall is growing together), was the denotation of the word comfrey
not so definite for the nonnes.so they did some research.
they found out that
even before 1920 the med dr. charles mac alsister did made inquiries about the english name
comfrey and found out that the term is from the middle english and is connected the oldfrench
word confire =bewahren=retain .from that the name comfrey educed fast in england.
so the plant german called beinwell is called comfrey in english speaking countries.
the botanic name Sympytum derived from the greek and comes from sym phyo=ich wachse zusammen=
i growing toegether
other common name is consolida from solida which means : i make fix , i putting together
this time only knew one symphytum variety ; linne'(1707-1778)called her sympytum officinale
until today.
Nowadays in english linguistic usage comfrey is understand as from ukraiene springing special
variety of beinwell,called russian comfrey, Symphytum peregrinum .
from where is comfrey coming from ?
the uk supplier mrs.p.b.greer did sent until her death in 1968 russian comfrey symphytum
peregrinum (peregrinum means coming from abroad)from her huge fields in numbers of 5000 to
canada to an big company.but this company called it quaker comfrey caus the comunity of
quakers were very intersted in it.cause the plant has search for freedom they said they
doesnt wanted to call it russian too.from canada they came to the us,australia,newseeland and
also the comfrey from the nonnes derived from the quaker comfreyin 1966 to the convent
the last called comfrey symphytum peregrinum is not a own genre, its in fact aloud henry
doubleday research society a cross of several sorts.all sorts are similar in look and partly
in healing effects.
russian comfrey symphytum peregrinum has its heritage in ukraine and sibiria.
a gardener of katharina 2 has brought the plant from petersburg to england.
ok now its gona get more a summary eheh...now back to shizl..
symphytum uplanticum -nowaday also called symphytum peregrinum is on call of lawrence d.hills
not the same and has its heritage in sweden.
the genre symphytum
in short:
the genre symphytum appertains to family of Boraginaceae
ok thats to much for my english and they said in short lol..so ###
30-60 up to 1m tall...
leafs 40cm up to 50 long and 10-20 cm broad..
EDIT is censored ...its no nsecure connection....when search for it in ducktogo and open the link in ducktogo it will work...if you hit this direct or heilkräuter.de directly it will give first insecure connection and after exception it will root to 404 sort of...thats scary....at least when i coming from my ip or tor bouncers...
the root zone
up to 1,8m deep...
active components:
allantoin,tannins,vit b12,slime and starch as well as a slight amount of liver damaging
(funny first i have forgoten to type the r on the word liver, pretty drastic altering)
on 50°N you find it on humid parts on edge of forest,ditches,acres,meadows and under
symphytum varietys :
der heimische beinwell /native comfrey dland:
symphytum offizinale
volksnames :
(rabbitleaf),schmalwurz(maybe thinroot),comfrey and wundallheil( wound-all-hail)
hildegard von bingen and paracelcus used a local ancient beinwell for healing bone
fractures,wounds and ulcers
in folk medicine it was known as antirheumatic,collutorium and a healing ointment
comfrey or russian beinwell:
symphytum peregrinum
comfrey,russian beinwell,quaker-comfrey
as comfrey in common applies as russian beinwell which came over britian or north america
into germany , while the local healing plant beinwell got good as forgoten .
both sympytum varietys have similar attributes and can be used both in same way.
others symphytum varietys:
sympytum uplanticum
also called fodder beinwell
is a cross of symphytum asperum syn. asperrimum and symphytum offizinale
which should have less alcoloids and is used also for homoöphatie
symphytum asperum syn. asperrimum grows wild in europe...it has more peaky leafs and has mor
raw hairs and is more bristly than the real beinwell...
in volks medicine its used same as real beinwell but is not so liked cause bristyness..
the difference between both symphytum asperum syn. asperrimum and symphytum offizinale are
not examined sufficient.
symphytum grandiflorum
these are decorative plants
to be continued...in upcoming episodes :
garden growing
feeled tons of stuff