Alright, so this past weekend all of my plants that I had outdoor and indoor were stolen, not going to get into it, my lights and all as well . I've decided due to that matter of loosing my equipment I'm going to go outdoors next year as I doubt I'll be able to afford everything again. My goal this next season is somewhat ridiclious sounding perhaps. But myself, and my two brothers are going to be inheriting some land. My question is how would one go about planning for this outdoor season? I've already been able to glance the property over, very isolated, no fence but trees all around outside, HUGE area, absolutely huge... I'll deff need to get a cheap quad to ride around to do stuff... never going to walk it all. Whats the cheapest and eaiest method to gathering that many beans? I'm not particular about the strain anything that works outdoors. Also wheres a great spot to get bulk planters and stuff to start everything, once again as cheap as possible.