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CoCo the only way to go!


Active member
I just got 1 600 flowering 1sqm,
Im using Canna Coco and handwatering the Canna A+B, Cannazim, Ritzonic, & the Boost £££, 11ltr pots watering every 3-4 days...
at the moment ive got Bogbubble, RezBasic Diesel, Soma'sNYCD and DoubleDutch 4 of each..

this was them just starting out

all filling out a bit

heres the flowers just kicking in!!

i will update this with some newer pics soon..
i just gotta go and upload!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit? man i have to agree with h3ad nice and clean what a beaut yer garden is.. bbl for updates.. peace..



Active member
Cheers Grat3fulh3ad!!

Hia sackoweed, hows it going man!! did we have a chat @ the 420??

i am thinking of putting some CFL's in as soon as the Bogs have finished which should not be too long now....

here's some of the updated pics,
these were taken this morning, day 42 of 12/12

ill take some more shots of the Bogbubbles before they get the chop!!


Very nice organised setup you have there and looking very nice for 42 days, coco looks like the way to go!


back in the old days ,canna coco was advertised as the medium of the future ,,looks like the futures arrived


Active member
Thanks Guys!!!!

ive got 2 of those CFL hoods that hold 4 x 200w envirolights,
i was thinking of putting one of them in for extra side lighting when the Bog's have finished and ive got a bit more room.
ill just have to see how that alters the temps!!,
ill give it a go any hoooo...

Hazy see you in Telford on saturday!!
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A single 250w HPS will give you a better boost than envirolites and won;t add much heat. I have a spare brand new one you can have if you wanna try it.


Active member
British_Hempire said:
I have a spare brand new one you can have if you wanna try it.

niceOne for that BH!!
but i got a spare poot 400 but its the space i got, no room to hang it!!..
you'll see...


Active member
The best thing about coco is ease of use. Good results, but it's not going to break any gpw records.


Active member
BlindDate said:
The best thing about coco is ease of use. Good results, but it's not going to break any gpw records.
give it abit more time big yields are possiable and easliy achieved with perfect 12/12 timing, trained or scrogged using good clones that are healthy for the whole grow..

Looking really good Thc4sim im using boost for the first time in my grow, looks to be a worthy addition at this point.



Active member
thc43 said:
im using boost for the first time in my grow, looks to be a worthy addition at this point. :lurk:

Cheers Guys!,

overall yield is not my main concern, it should yield quite good tho!! :woohoo:
its all for personal so its all good!! whatever i get!! should last me till my next harvest anyway!! Hopefully!!

I thought i would use the CannaBoost even tho it cost's so much!!, all seems to be good using all the Canna products so far..

i had better dust off them bubblebags ready for action!!!


Active member
Who am i kidding!!! i want a massive yield!, but i aint gunna get it with just 1 600w, but enough to last till the next lot!!

here are a few pics i took this morning day 51..

the first of the DoubleDutch looks pretty much done but there are loads of clear trics,
so i will just keep my eye on it with my trusty 30x loupe..

some shots of one of the BasicDiesel that is going strong..



Active member
Cheers Bullseye! :wave:
i cannot wait to try some after the cure!! i still got a long wait tho'!!!
but it will be worth it..

a few shots taken this morning day 53..
Soma NYCD. sativa pheno (looks real tasty)

and some shots from one of the Rez BasicDiesel... day 53


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