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Coco Situation: Rate of budswell?


Hey all,
just got validated - been watching this forum for awhile. I even read the 60+page coco sticky like twice. I have most of my questions answered, and I just want to clear something with the coconutz here.

I'm new to growing MJ - how long does it take a little bud to go to a big bud? Do they grow fast, like the plant does vertically during the first two weeks, or is fattening something that happens over a long period?



Different strains mature at different times. The plants are going to start stretching a lot during the first half of flower and then the buds are going to thicken up over a large period of time.

My plants (1 White Widow and 1 Aurora Indica) were 14" at the end of a 2 week veg and I flipped em to 12/12 66 days ago. One is 5' tall(WW) and the other's (AI) and it looks like it's gonna take another week or so before they're going to be premo.

Good Luck, dude



I've got a mostly sativa type - and when growth stopped, I was freaking out, thinking maybe I did something to the coco.


Mine were at 2, vegged for a week and flipped the switch - they grew for ~20 days then stopped. They've got some flowers, but they're not thickening... No sign of deficiency.


how fast do flowers grow? quickly or slowly?

Also, do they mature from the bottom up? My tops are smallest, the bottom buds are thicker and maturing faster.
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If you're only at 3 weeks in flowering, you're nowhere near finished. DON'T stop feeding them. You said you've been flushing them???? Stop the flushing and feed them again, right now!!!!! If you don't they're not going to even have enough energy to ripen what's on there currently. If the plants are starved, they go into survival mode and start ripening the buds that are on there. The plants haven't had enough time in flower to develop trichomes so you'll end up with very weak buds. Put the nutrients back into the water, pH it to 5.8 and feed them. Did I mention you need to do that NOW!!!!!!!



Rebel_444 said:
how fast do flowers grow? quickly or slowly?

Also, do they mature from the bottom up? My tops are smallest, the bottom buds are thicker and maturing faster.

As I said in my first reply to you, the buds grow, thicken up, and ripen over a long period. If you've got buds growing now and you know you're 5-7 weeks from maturity, common sense should tell you it's gonna take a while. Take up coin collecting or practice your calligraphy, cause you're gonna be doing this for a while.


Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. START FEEDING YOUR PLANTS AGAIN, NOW!!!!


BTW, there's a lot of good information in the threads of this forum. You need to spend a lot of time reading them.



Hello Rebel,

welcome to the coco forum.

the buds can take from 7 to 14 weeks of 12/12 to finish flowering. all depending on the strain. mojo is giving you good advice :yes: some pics would really help too, with knowing what's happening.


I'm not even sure there is a problem, besides my patience :) Just trying to fill in some gaps so I don't do something incorrect. -But now I'm getting differing advice... Too late to re-nute them (lights out) I'll do that in the morning.

I'll post a few pics so you can see where I am.

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Mojo; I empathise with your statement at the start of your thread.

OK, one more thing as if you're not bored shitless enough already. Not knowing how to do something or who to rely on to show you how is very frustrating, to say the least. I had to go with my gut feeling and find a person I felt I could trust who knew what he was talking about and who was willing to help the ignorant (i.e. me), hehe. gaiusmarius, our moderator, has been kind enough and patient enough to offer up his wisdom, knowledge, and apparently infinite supply of patience in order to help me achieve my goal of success. And my gut told me I could trust him, a choice that has been reinforced by comments from others about his expertise and by my own experiences so far during this grow. I am extremely appreciative and indebted to him for choosing to do so and if he chooses to bail out at some point because I've worn his patience thin, I will completely understand. I welcome any and all constructive criticism and suggestions from any who feel inclined to offer them but gaius is my barometer and you'll need to excuse me if I rely on his opinion before I do something. I'm sure he'll be the first to admit there are other growers in these forums who are just as capable and knowledgeable as he is (I'm amazed at the knowledge level of some of the growers on this site) but he is the one who has chosen to step up to the plate and help me.

Thanks GM

I have read your two grows, and believe it or not - I am an excellent soil gardener. I'm brand new to coco/hydro.

I'm here for the yields, and I'm prepared to be a student, but I gotta do things my own way sometimes.

I put an order for some canna A+B and I'll use my cheap orchid nutes on one pot to see how they compare. The profiles match, and I think I could get away with them solely, but I don't want to risk a grow on my pride.

So I'll be joining your program, but I can only afford the A+B. I have the chemical Grow/Bloom, PBPpro Grow/Bloom, Superthrive, Ironite, MagSulf, Citric & Soda.

I haven't used the Cal/Mag supplements because everyone says they jack things up.

I don't think I'm nute-locked, I think I'm impatient. I raised my light a little higher in case I was burning them (which I probably was).


no worries your plants look fine Rebel, i know how it is with the impatience, but as you know, as a soil grower, patience is the first thing we learn, lol. the number of times people are impatient and keep doing things and changing things, until they end up doing the plant to death, lol. i call this phenomena "loving your plants to death" it's very common with new growers and is the first thing to defeat :D

mojo had an advantage in my opinion, because he had no pre knowledge of earth or hydro, so no preconceived opinions about it either. much the easiest way to learn coco growing. starting from scratch so to speak.

nice looking girls btw. :yes:


Thanks, GM - The watering everyday thing is really bringing out the over-nurturer in me.

I've only ever grown veggies up to this point - and all my senses are rebelling against coco. -I oughtta put some pics of my outdoor garden... ;) I've got fruits and veggies just busting out everywhere. :D


Gaius, nice to see ya. Please man, no need to answer this, I don't want to steal Rebel's thread, lol.

Rebel, my friend gm there is arguably the best coco guru here. He absolutely taught me everything I know about growing premo weed in coco. The way my first grow looks like it's gonna turn ouj, I won't ever try another medium.

Anything I tell you will be something gaiusmarius taught me. I'll be glad to pitch in and offer up some advice from time to time if you look like you are asking for it.

I really was a newbie to weed and did a lot of research on ICM before deciding on coco and coming over to this forum. I, like you, am an outdoor gardener. For the last twenty years I've grown vegetables and tomatoes. Knowing that weed is very close to tomatoes in it's sensitivities and growth characteristics has helped me a lot - probably will you too. Tomatoes can be tricked into ripening what's on the vine by sticking a shovel into the soil about a foot from the stem and slicing down a spade's length to sever half the roots. Weed can be stressed to the point of doing the same thing so I figured it was going to be pretty demanding in it's requirements. And I knew from reading around the forums that a lot of people were fucking up their grows. That's the real reason I chose coco - only people fucking up their grows in the coco forum were the ones trying to treat the coco like soil.

Don't know much a bout anything you've got in your arsenal of nutes except for the A+B. A+B is the key to your grow, man. It is used the entire grow. A PK supplement like Canna's PK 13/14 is used a couple of weeks in flower but other than that just something for the roots like Cannazyme and something to help keep your coco in shape like Rizotonic, and you're set. Coco specific nutes are the best way to go.

I know you said you have to do things your way every once and a while. Might want to adjust a little there just in case your way isn't the coco way. Cause if the coco gets pissed, lol, guarantee ya you will too.

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Thanks for the encouragement, Mojo

Yeah - well, it's a waiting game until the Canna A+B gets here - But I do have one update.

I'm not 100% coco in all my pots - I know a lot of people here have done the same thing - (transplant from another medium into coco to finish) My previous medium was organics ~1gallon of my plants' 3gallon containers still contains the organic because I didn't try to strip it from the roots.

I'm noticing the plants that came from organic aren't using the water as quickly as my plants from 50/50 perl/verm - what is my window here as far as watering is concerned? Will the coco/organic dry at a linear rate if I withold water, or will the coco dry first and nute-scorch roots that have wandered free of the soil? ...Likely I'll find out soon enough :)

-The gal of soggy organic in certain bags are giving gnats a field day...


Can't help you much with the water usage thing if you've got a root ball made up of soil. Ideally, you want your roots in contact with the coco so it can do its thing. Not really sure how it's going to turn out with the soil in there. If you only had the soil that came from seedling cups that would be one thing but the bottom third of your pots is soil.

I'll tell ya, dude. I think the soil's going to cause you some grief during the grow. But it is what it is.



Hey folks, thanks for the encouragement - wanted to let you all know things came out well, and the second harvest of the clones was good too.

Don't know the weight, but the root mass was incredible! Really made me a believer in Coco - the only prob is shipping costs - my hydro store doesn't carry it!

Thanks again Mojo/GM et al. !!