Hi. So I’m new to coco and want to get it right. I’ve read a lot (too much) and there is a lot conflicting info out there so I thought I’d start a thread to see how people who are getting good results and healthy plants do it. I’m trying to build a picture of what the good / pro coco growers out there are actually doing.
You don’t have to answer all the questions that come up just answer any you can but only where you feel your method is working great.
It’d be great if anyone else has any related beginner questions out there and could add them to the thread.
Firstly - Early Veg
1) what pot size do your clones go in and what ec is your first feed
2) Do you fully saturate the media at this point to run off? If not how much water?
3) When do you water next? I.e next day, after the pots have started to feel lighter etc.
4) At this first pot stage do you give feed each watering or plain ph’d water every x feeds or flush every so
often or something else?
5) Do you use any additives beyond base nutrients that you feel make a real difference at this stage and what are they?
6) At which point do you pot up and how do you know it is the right time to go to a bigger pot
7) what pot size do you go to at this stage?
8) what temp / humidity are you running at this stage?
I appreciate all and any responses.
You don’t have to answer all the questions that come up just answer any you can but only where you feel your method is working great.
It’d be great if anyone else has any related beginner questions out there and could add them to the thread.
Firstly - Early Veg
1) what pot size do your clones go in and what ec is your first feed
2) Do you fully saturate the media at this point to run off? If not how much water?
3) When do you water next? I.e next day, after the pots have started to feel lighter etc.
4) At this first pot stage do you give feed each watering or plain ph’d water every x feeds or flush every so
often or something else?
5) Do you use any additives beyond base nutrients that you feel make a real difference at this stage and what are they?
6) At which point do you pot up and how do you know it is the right time to go to a bigger pot
7) what pot size do you go to at this stage?
8) what temp / humidity are you running at this stage?
I appreciate all and any responses.