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Coco grow. handwatered euforia. log and question.


New member
So I have a bunch(12) euforia clones and I'd need some input. This is my second indoor grow.

I have no fan in the room(except those for the light) as that made the leaves dry. Also: the temps seem to have dropped somewhat since I turned it of.

I water every 2 days and I make sure I have nice runoff(10-15%).

The nutes are Atami B'cuzz Cocos A+B and I add some Hesi root complex(50ml/10liter) and super vit(2 drops/10liter).

The temps are around 28-29C(I know a bit high, but I don't seem to be able to get them down any further)

The plants have been in 12/12 for 5days.

Now I'm a bit worried the plants are stretching, what do you guys think? Do they look OK?:

Also what can be the cause of this? Golden dry spots on the lower leaves on several of my plants.

Here is an overlook:



Well-known member
since they're in flower-the stretch your experiencing is quite common-depending on strain-it can go on for another week or three! The lower leaves are yellowing cause the plant is drawing nutes fro mthe older growth to sustain the new rapid growth-tonight go a little heavier on the N-up your N next feeding and watch the yellowing slow down
Good luck-they're looking sweet


New member
Thanks, I'm going to water them in a few hours, I'll upp the N a bit then!

I have a couple of newly pollinated(2 days ago) LR#2 on my balcony. Could I put them in the growroom without risking that the euforia gets pollinated too?


Well-known member
depends on stray pollen-there may be a few rogue kernels hanging out omn leaves etc-this is what i'd do-wash them down so the stray pollen is gone
then toss 'em in there

Ono Nadagin

Active member
the damaged leaves I would bet are due to a lock out caused by letting the coco dry out a little to much.

I would water more often, at least once a day in flowering.. I water 3 times in flowering and once right before lights on.... remember, you can not over water with coco, you can only overfert(too high EC/PPM)... but coco is very easy to underwater and doing so allows hot spots to form in the coco causing lockouts.
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Ono Nadagin said:
the damaged leaves I would bet are due to a lock out caused by letting the coco dry out a little to much.

I would water more often, at least once a day in flowering.. I water 3 times in flowering and once right before lights on.... remember, you can not over water with coco, you can only overfert(too high EC/PPM)... but coco is very easy to underwater and doing so allows hot spots to form in the coco causing lockouts.

thanks ono :)... free info rox


New member
Novel idea?

Novel idea?

Okidokie guys, from tomorrow I will do something that might or might not be new.

I will start moving my plants between a darkroom and my growroom every 12 hours, keeping six plants in the growroom at any given time.
So group A will be in light during days and group B during nights. this way I squeze out more lumen/plant from my one light(on the expence of a lot of work and some electricity).
Hopefully I will get a nice payoff when I harvest :joint:


New member
novel idea?

novel idea?

So heres ½ of my plants(plus one LR2 that will be in the flower-room at all times)



New member
novel idea!

novel idea!

Thanks man, greatly appriciate it! Now my ladies are a bit bigger so I think it's time for an update. I will post a pic the other bunch of plants tonight.

Here are they today:



New member
And here is group B(the nightshift)

An average plant(some are bigger and some are smaller than this):

in this shift there is six plants and on the other shift there's six, I'm really hoping this will double my yield.