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Coco cheesy haze

I was lucky enough to be gifted these beans from Dank Dairy seeds to test for them. It's a Cheese x Haze cross, the cheese being the clone only version crossed with a male from HHF's haze line.
I germed 4, all popped 36 hours later and were planted straight into re-used coco. This is only my second grow with coco. last time I used monkey juice from advanced nutrients, this time im using the whole canna range as they were so highly recommended. Canna A + B, Cannazym, PK13/14 and Bio boost. Its a little odd when the Canna A + B first turned up, I was like ok so wheres the veg and bloom bottles, not so with canna its just a 2 part feed used the whole way through the plants life, a new concept to someone whos always bought seperate ferts for vegging and blooming lol.
Now a little info about the grow so far, I hand water my plants always allowing some run off, so far ive been mixing the canna nutes at the dosages I found on their website but I think I may amend those as I think the plants could handle a little stronger feed. pH adjusted to 5.7 so far but I think I can let that go up a little in the coming weeks.
I started them off a little under 4 weeks ago, and they have been under a 250w lamp 24/7 ever since. They showed pre-flowers at about the 21 day mark, after sexing I was left with 3 females and 1 lone male, who has now gone to canna heaven.

Here they are:

I am hoping to put them under 12/12 in the coming days.

Any feed back on using the canna nutes would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!



I am hoping to put them under 12/12 in the coming days.

High Bro,

If you dont put them into flower soon they will be huge!
Any feed back on using the canna nutes would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

Keep the overall EC down, unless they are telling you otherwise keep the EC lower. Remember the Hazes in this line come from a time before indoor growing, lights and hydro. They don't like or need high concentrations of feed.

Good luck, they look nice.

Peace, hhf


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor

i hope you have something higher wattage-wise than a 250!

with how tall it's gonna get you might be better off running vertical bare bulb or with a


Peace, Love, and Coco


hey looking good BaffledMonkey, cant wait to see what results you get with that canna. That shit is BOMB. You really might wanna listen to humble1 hes right about how big they will grow. You might now already but those hazes are mad sati's and a 250watt wont be ideal for them in flower because they'll stretch like hell. Anyways great start, they look sweet bro for sure. PEACE

EDIT-Also bro, you might wanna think about takin clones! those look like really good phenos, at least so far and im sure youll kick urself if you dont take some clones for the next batch. Curious, what kind of room do you have them in? Dimensions? Is your veg area different from your flower area? Alright man take it easy :wave:
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HHF, thanks for the sound advice, you've seen my other post about the nute mix up over at the bay, so hopefully now im back on track, I can lower the EC and find a good feed level. I wanted to put them in flower a week ago, but lacked the space, they've been flipped now and ill finish them in these tiny pots so hopefully that limits the stretch a little. If not its bondage time lol.

Humble1, thanks for stopping by. Yes I have got justa bit more than 250w. Check out my previous grows, should have slightly more detail about my setup, I think.

Caligreen, Im quite looking forward to seeing how the canna range pans out, ive heard so many good things about it. So far these have been growing in my veg room, which has a floor space of 60cm square by 1 meter tall. Now they've just gone into my bloom room 1.2m square by 2 meter tall (made some space). I'll take clones a good few weeks into flowering so as to limit the time I have to keep them in veg.

On a side note it dawned on me I was mixing the nutes at the wrong rates, so i've burnt them a little, hopefully ive caught them in time so as to limit the damage, they've been flushed and will resume feeding with my amended nute mix.



I use this feed chart as a starting point for feeding:


The values on here are about as high as I will ever feed my plants, if I have something that seems sensitive or a light feeder, I use this schedule @ 50% and work my way up from there depending on how different strains are reacting. I have'nt seen what Canna recommends as a feeding schedule so I am not sure how this stacks up to it. I know that my jugs of Coco A and B suggest feeding as high as 4 ml/L or 16 ml/Gal, I have never been that brave though, seems a tad too hot for me. I check my PH all the time, but I have'nt checked EC in months. I hand water everyday, which I find is an easy way to make quick adjustments up/down depending on how things are looking. I also stop feeding Rhizotonic around week 3-4 depending on how long the strain I am growing will run. The Rhizo is the smelliest plant product I have ever used and I don't want any of my buds smelling/tasting like that dirty crotch smell it puts out.

You might know this already, but always mix your Canna A into your water first, stir it very well, and then add the B. In the past I had added the B first, or not stirred sufficiently between adding the A and the B and had some issues.

Caligreen was dead on with the clones comment, those look like some very nice girls. I have been a passenger on the 'coulda, shoulda, woulda' clone boat and it SUCKS, make sure you take your cuts! :wave:
Quick update time.

The 3 females have been under 12/12 for just under a week, looks like i've got the canna nutes sorted now. I am mixing A + B in equal amounts till I hit an E.C of about 1.4 (about 2.5ml per litre to hit that E.C) and then adjusting the pH to 5.7. These plants really dont need high levels of feed at all. Still hand watering once every day at the moment.

First shot is all 3 of em in the now empty bloom room, under 600w HPS.

Last 2 shots hopefully show where i've tied down the main stem on 2 different plants.

I decided to tie down the main growth tip now in anitcipation for the stretch to come during flowering. If this cross does go the longer end of the spectrum on flowering times I should have bought myself some head room to play with further down the line, if all works out lol.
Im also aniticpating having to tie the side branches at some point, the stems are quite weak at the moment and they'll surely droop under the weight of buds. Having never grown a haze before im not sure whether thats a haze trait or not, I have read that the cheese has notoriuosly weak stems so who knows?
Anyway thats all for now folks!
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yo monkey
those plants look lush and cheese hazy sound well interetsing
will be good to hear what the hit is like when they are done
good luck


Absolutely gorgeous plants, BaffledMonkey... Definitely a sativa, huh? lol. Really man, nice plants. I'm thinkin you're gonna be covered up if ya don't flip em. Or maybe ya already have.

Make sure your light will go all the way to the ceiling. I mean all the way to the ceiling man, with just a couple of inches clearance at the top for the heat to get out.

On the thin stem thing... place a fan in the room with them and have it blowing where the air bounces off the walls and rustles the limbs and leaves. That'll help the plant beef up its branches. May not be any way around the limbs bending. I used strips of the wife's pantie hose to tie mine up. Nice problem to have if it's the buds being too big for the limbs. I tied my branches to the main stalk in sort of an alternating pattern. That also helps beef the main stem so it'll support the top cola. My main cola was 19" tall and about a quarter pound dried, lol.


Damn, I love my dog

BaffledMonkey I'm going to shorten your name in future posts to BM but I didn't want to do it till I explained that when I do that I'm not calling you "SHIT." LMFAO.
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looking great now man and the feed rate sounds about the same as I used on my lighter feeders @ that time as well. PH sounds good too, I run mine @ 5.8 from the first day of veg until chopping day, no deviating. Doing this and making sure that I water @ roughly the same time everyday seems to establish a routine that keeps the plants happiest. Keep on keepin' on buddy :wave:
Hey mojo,
Yeah i've got a fan blowing on em, still seem to be much thinner stems than any strain ive grown to date (and thats quite alot). I may have to do what you siggest though, in full bloom tie some of the branches to the main stem for added support, i'll wait and see. You can call me BM if you want, most do on the boards. Been told its short for bowel movement, must be an american thing , hell i dont mind ive been called much worse lol.

Hey Supernuck,
I'v got the measure of these babies so far, definate light feeders thats for sure, i've got some seedlings only 2 weeks old on the go of a different strain and they need higher feed than these do 2 weeks into flowering! Crazy lol.

Quick update time.
2 weeks under 12/12
The 3 plants are all doing well, they've stretched a little and appear to have started early stages of bud formation, If anyone grows this strain using canna nutes, go to the canna website and download their "light feeding" in coco schedule, you wont go wrong. Thanks Peesh for that.
These girlies are thirsty drinkers, much more so than the Elvis Kush I tried first time round in coco, so i'll have to keep on top of that. They may possibly need several waterings a day when lights are on now.

Cheesy haze spreading out into the grow room

4 Elvis Kush clones trying to get some light in the corner

A side shot of the tallest plant, just to give an idea of their growth structure.

The 3 plants from above

They havent shot up as far as I thought they might which is a bit of a relief, but they've still got some way to go yet. Also they appear to be starting early signs of bud formation, which is good, I thought it may take some weeks longer what with the haze heritage. I'll give em a few more days to see how they develop before I decide whether to add PK13/14 or wait another week.



Oh man good looking BaffledMonkey. Def wil be watching this one...
About adding pk 13/14. I dont know but imho I dont add pk13/14 until my plants show that they are about finished showing thier flowers. Usually about 3-4 weeks to the end (or when the plants tell me lol). I dont know about everyone else...so im interested in what they'll say.

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