I'm trying to enrich my garden to increase yields and help with temps. Please don't attempt to discourage me, rather just give me some advice on my plan. My co2 was at like 700 I added another green pad and it went up to 900 at first like 1100 I wanna say. But my bedroom is at 1050 and my grow room is attached. The only openings I have is the sides on the door and maybe a small crack I don't know about in the attic door where it meets the wall but I doubt that would even matter, co2 sinks. I have a pretty large fan blowing up and good humidity. Using green pads which use citric acid and baking soda I believe. If it was leaking wouldn't it be at the same level as my room. Dimensions of grow space 64x95x88 = 5350403 inches cubed. Do I need to seal off the door, still wondering if it's not sealed why isn't it the same level as my bedroom.
Could the lights off affect my ppm meter? It has risen up to 1110 ppm in the past like 15-20 min since I have been typing this post when the lights went on.
Could the lights off affect my ppm meter? It has risen up to 1110 ppm in the past like 15-20 min since I have been typing this post when the lights went on.