CNN Reporter Gets Stoned During Story On Colorado Legalization
That was awesome!
Ayecafuckingrumba! I had to turn it off at the 1:45 mark...I was getting so mad I thought I might hurt my monitor, and I can't afford to buy another monitor right now.
So much of the coverage coming out of Colorado now is bullshit...that lady from CNN was just acting ridiculous, as was Anderson Cooper (which surprises me because he's a cool dude). The old stoner stereotypes are being constantly perpetuated instead of actually taking the time to learn something new about cannabis. I think that's going to be one of the more important things that needs to get done with the new legalization movement... make your average american develop a realistic understanding of what cannabis is.
I agree with you on everything you said up to the point about Anderson.
Cool dude? Are you kidding? Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt?