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Close Call On 4/20

tbc OG

So, I got drunk last night at a local show so I was sleeping pretty hard this morning. Anyways, right around 730 or so I'm awoken by one of my roomates knocking on the door.

Me: "What's up?"
Her: "..We had a small kitchen fire in the oven, just wanted to let you know the fire department might come..."

Now my first thought is, OH SHIT, my grow. So I walk into the kitchen to see whats up.

It looks like a fucking nuke went off in there. There is a thin layer of what looks like ash on EVERYTHING. The air is filled with this shit and I immediatly start gagging and coughing. It turns out the ash-looking shit is actually from the fire extinguisher which needed to be sprayed in the oven. That shit is rough on the lungs.

So my roomates are running around trying to air the place out, apologizing for the rude awakening and the fucked up kitchen. I didnt give a shit about all my stuff covered in this white dust, I just didnt want to get busted....especially not today. I have a little clost OP going right now and I'll admit it is not compltley fool proof. If the fire department came by and did an "inspection" to make sure the place was safe, I would probably be fucked. I don't know what type of inspection they do after a kitchen fire, but I would guess they look in other rooms just to make sure everything is alright.

So at this point i'm expecting to see the fire engine pull into our driveway. I'm thinking of ways I can ditch my plants safely. My roomates don't know about my grow so I can't really plan with them. Before I do anything crazy, I double check and ask them, "so did you guys call the fire department or what?"

Roomies: Nah...we just dont know if they could of seen the smoke or something.

Well at this point there is no smoke or anything, just this nasty white shit. So at that point i'm fucking psyched there is no chance FD is stopping by and my grow has made it past another close call!

Anyways, time to smoke the morning 4/20 joint and head to class.

Keep yourself blazed today!


dude, your roommates are idiots! how the hell do you start a fire inside an oven? nevertheless, living with people who dont know about your grow isnt the smartest idea. trust no one! i once caught a then trusted roommate stealing red-handed out of my box of herbs! fucker had been stealing it the whole time we were living together.

tbc OG

dude, your roommates are idiots! how the hell do you start a fire inside an oven? nevertheless, living with people who dont know about your grow isnt the smartest idea. trust no one! i once caught a then trusted roommate stealing red-handed out of my box of herbs! fucker had been stealing it the whole time we were living together.

oh believe me i've had the fair share of problems with the roomates and they are certainly not the right people for me to live with right now. he sneaks nugs from my shit and is always bumming when it comes to getting stoned.

anyways, im just finishing up this grow (another week or so to harvest!!) and then im getting another place.

i dont know how the fuck they started an oven fire considering that shit is designed to reach such a high temp without burning..... but whatever, i'm not concerned now that there is no security breach.

Just goes to show accidents can happen and if my roomates hadnt discovered it as quickly as they could, my ass could be a) dead or b) sitting in jail right now.

Lesson: BECAREFUL! Expect the unexpected.

Ohhhh and smoke another bowl because its 4/20.


whew, that sux, glad ur plants didnt get smoked early

happy 420 everyone


uhhhh...ovens usually only catch fire when theres a grease build up and spilled over food all in there....tell them lazy bastards to get some "easy off":wink: