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Clones with flowers, yield?

The clones I am currently running are clones that I cut from my own motherplants. At the moment when I cut those clones, many of them had pistils showing already, especially on the top of the cut (already forming a small head). I believe to remember that somebody was quoting cervantes saying that those kind of clones wont ever perform as good as cuts without any flowers on them....Not that I have any kind of opinion about cervantes.

Is there a lot of disagreement about this issue?

Anyway, my mothers got 18/6....

Pleased to hear your opinions....



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I had this clone



and I can say it yielded like other clones without those pistils.
In a general view, I didn't notice any difference between different clones of the same strain.

Compared to other strains that clone yielded more than other regular clones without any pistils, the phenotype expression of the clone was the same of the original mom, yield included.

No science behind this, just observations.

Hey noreason

thank you for providing this excellent pictures that show exactly the type of clone I was talking about. Mine looked exactly like that...

In my case I felt like the clones who looked like the one on your picture started to grow visibly later than the ones without any pistils...Did you sense this as well noreason?

Thanks Hydrodreams


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Yeah, it makes sense.

You have to consider basically that in the plant there are many compounds called hormones that ''tell'' the plants what to do.
They tell to vegetate when the plant is young and/or with more of X hours of light.
When the environmental conditions changes, also the hormonal equilibrium change and this takes time.

You can notice by yourself that period of time after switching at 12\12 when the plant stretches and simultaneously forms flowers. In that time the plants act a change in its hormonal equilibrium.

Once said this, a clone that already formed some flowers mean it has its equilibrium unbalanced toward the ''flowering hormones''.
If you want to make it vegetate again, it has to re-converts its equilibrium toward the ''vegetative hormones''. And this takes time too.

It's clear now, that compared to a clone of the same strain without any sign of flowering, it will take more time because it has to re-converts, when the other clone hasn't to do it.

This process is a stress for the plant and it would be better to avoid it and I can't say for sure the following clone will be exactly the same as the others. Maybe it can lose some ''hormonal charge'' but I never get into the topic very deep and had so few try for myself that can't be a proof of nothing ;)

Well now that I just harvested I clerly can tell that the ones that looked like the ones on no reasons pictures clearly yielded less, significantly less....

If it was just because of delayed grow or disturbed hormonesystem, I don't know...

soil margin

Active member
I can't speak entirely for yield but I will say some clones I took a few weeks into flowering were some of the biggest roots and biggest/fastest growth of any clones I have ever taken.

If it does make a difference, I think it has to be pretty marginal. The genetics of the motherplant are what is really the deciding factor.


New member
I know a few growers that swear by clones taken in flower. As they branch out alot more allowing for more colas when scog'd. To me more top budsites = more yeild
Just my two cents


If you take clones during the stretch before pistils start appearing you will be fine, but if done after the stretch with white hairs, It will seriously mess with the plant. I'm sure it can re-veg properly if given the correct amount of time, but I have never seen this done, they will always funk out and seem to be missing leafs, (ducks foot style) So rule of thumb is during flower is 2 weeks to 3 weeks tops depending on the plant.

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