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Why Aloe Vera is an Amazing Rooting Agent!

Aloe is a perfect all-natural way for you to get your clone on. Aloe is packed with enzymes, amino acids and secondary metabolites.

"Remember! Aloe has Salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is involved in local and systemic plant defense responses against pathogens. It plays a role during stresses such as drought, chilling, heavy metal toxicity, heat, and osmotic stress. SA can volatilize and warn neighboring plants of attack." -

Additionally – Aloe Vera has a rich history of assiting growers with cloning as is demonstrated by this quote from the same source above.

Aloe Vera: contains Salicylic acid is a plant compound, which has been used as a rooting agent for over 120 years in the nursery industry. This is the compound that's found in Willow trees, which you might have run across in posts on rooting a cutting. This plant material is also very high in Saponins (30,000 ppm) and this adds another level of benefits."

In order to clone with Aloe you’ll essentially follow the same steps EXCEPT for a few more steps:

Prepare an Aloe-Water solution. You can use a half-inch chunk of leaf and mix it with some distilled water. Don’t worry about the PH.

Soak the cuttings in the solution for about 12 hours prior to transplanting

Some growers even take the cutting and stick it directly into the aloe leaf. Make sure that it’s covered with the “goop” and then go ahead and plant it.


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Katsu on Cloning
1. Take your cutting from a healthy looking branch that isn't very "woody" - green and flexible cuts seem to do the best.
2. Use a STERILE razor to make a diagonal cut in the stem to remove it from the plant, lightly shave the lower inch of the stem of the outermost layer, then use a rooting powder or gel like clonex.
3. This is the biggie - whatever medium you are using, make sure it is BARELY damp with distilled or RO water. If your medium is too wet it will take forever to root and your stem may rot before that happens.
4. Dome your cuts to keep humidity in. If they seem to wilt, spray the inside TOP of the dome (not the cuts) to raise humidity.
5. After 3 days, start cracking your dome until they wilt, then cover again.
6. Only give your medium enough water to stay slightly damp - never wet. Squeeze out your plugs if they get too wet.
7. Adding Azos (as directed) to the distilled/RO water you use to moisten your plugs before you stick your cuts in will speed up rooting.
8. Your goal is to keep the cuts BARELY alive so as to trigger the plants survival mechanism and throw off some roots. If they are too wet they get lazy.

Peace, KB


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