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Choosing parents to produce more seeds


New member
I have these seeds and I want to breed them just to get a larger seed stock for personal use. When I pop the seeds, and am selecting the mother and father plant, does it matter if the male and female Im using is are desirable phenotypes? Or will it not matter in the offspring of the first generation of seeds because the genes are the same for both plants? The thing is I have to buy the seeds, I want to know if buying the smallest pack and breeding those seeds will give me essentally the same seeds I bought in the first place? Or should I buy a larger amount of seeds and pick the most desirable parents to get the kind of high quality seeds I'm looking for?
Hope this makes sense!

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
personally if it were me, I'd keep several females that are the "most desireable" for flavour and potency. I'd also keep several males looking for structure, stem rub smells ect.
pollenate them all together in an "open pollination" . If you do this each year you should get favorable results in the offspring and avoid bottlenecking by using only a single male/female.


New member
You may want to plant all like seeds strains together for an open pollination and let mother nature work her magic. You will get the best and the worst from those seeds


New member
I understand natural selection, but would that give me better results than if I were to pop 10, as soon as there old enough take a clone off of each one and flower the clones and leave the seeded plants in veg, once i know what plants are males and females (and take out any plants that are potential hermaphrodhites or are genetically in-superior) and choose the best female (after seeing end result) and the best male and just selectively pollinating with the 2 best plants? Or would the results be the same because there first generation seeds? Because I only want the best and not any of the worst!

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
I would suggest getting yourself a copy of marijuana botany by Robert c. Clarke, it explains the reasons to maintain selection and avoid bottlenecking that can lead to plants with very low potency and other undesireables. At least that's my understanding anyways.


Active member
I would suggest getting yourself a copy of marijuana botany by Robert c. Clarke, it explains the reasons to maintain selection and avoid bottlenecking that can lead to plants with very low potency and other undesireables. At least that's my understanding anyways.

You mean this book? Marijuana Botany PDF :biggrin:

If the plants you grow are F1 hybrids the resulting seeds created will display various
phenotypes. Some are going to be better than others. Have fun hunting your top mothers.

More people should make seeds. It's fun and nice to be self sufficient.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
I understand natural selection, but would that give me better results than if I were to pop 10, as soon as there old enough take a clone off of each one and flower the clones and leave the seeded plants in veg, once i know what plants are males and females (and take out any plants that are potential hermaphrodhites or are genetically in-superior) and choose the best female (after seeing end result) and the best male and just selectively pollinating with the 2 best plants? Or would the results be the same because there first generation seeds? Because I only want the best and not any of the worst!

You seem to have given some thought to process for
crossing, and I guess you know this project will take
a few months to get to selections at the very least.

If you have room in your grow for eighteen plants in veg and
at least twelve in flower, I feel you will get what you want.

If you have high watts for veg and flower you may get
to F2 and a back cross within a year.

Keep a log online here at icmag, with pics of progress,
it's what the servers are for.

Focus and drive is important to move foreword, but
no one will blame you if you give up, many do.

We're all counting on you, show us what you can do.


New member
Thanks for the responses.
Im going to read this book.
When I do execute this I will be logging my progress on ICMAG, and when that happens ill post a link on this thread.


if it smells like fish
here is what made me use this male...thc baby ....yeehaw...thanks Bodhi...tranquil elephantizer...the facts are until you actually do the crosses and grow out the seeds you don't know..but picking the best and what you like will get ya there faster usually ..with a small amount of seeds. I prefer to open pollinate everything then sift through the seeds and do 1 on 1 matings next...its a pain in the ass requiring lots of preservation of plants,note taking ,and freaking labeling everything...