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Choosing a good patch, to grow outside?

Nikolai Burdy

New member
Ive proberly missed the right time plant outdoors. But was told to go scouting for good areas next year, as they should look pretty similar.
But i was wondering if it has to be discreet, so nobody goes there. How will i idealy find a good spot? And what to do if it gets discovered?
What am i looking for in a good area? Ive been told not to put all my eggs in one basket, so to speak.

But basically what makes a good grow spot?

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
basic tips

basic tips

Hey Nik.
I'm by no means an expert outdoor grower, but I can pick some pretty good spots. Here are some basic tips.
Out of the way, low traffic spots are definitely good. ANYONE that happens by your plants could be a cop, a ripper, some jerk that will just destroy them, whatever. This being said, you don't have to drive out into the sticks. There are some spots like small patches of woods in between housing developements or maybe along the freeway. Look around.
First thing, get yourself a compass(cheapo on that pins to your shirt for a buck at Wallmart) Ideally you want a spot that is on a Southern facing slope or where it will get full near full sun all day.
If water is close by, that's a bonus! Streams, ponds, etc. Ya don't want to have to lug water. Check the soil. How's the PH, the moisture? Is it rocky? Can you dig there? Cuz you're gonna need a 2x2 by 3foot deep hole for each plant. Your holes get filled with primo soil(unless the dirt there is really good)
When you set your plots up, spread them out. Rather than a huge patch of plants, do 3-5 per area, walk a few, plant more. This will definitely break up the visual impact of your plants. Also, you can use some of the natural growth to hide your plants. For mine, I went just beyond(to the South) of some trees and bushes and put mine in. They get full sun but also have some other green around.
As far as not getting popped there, be sure you have as little incriminating evidence as possible on you.
Best thing is to dig your holes and fill them one day (no plants on you) and then the next day or so come out and drop your babies in. Another reson to be in the woods is good. I carry a metal detector with me which also helps explain the entrenching tool ;)
Try not to be seen going to and from.
Sometimes trying to be too inconspicous is conspicous. If you're rockin the full commando camo hookup and someone sees you, um, your popped. If you're just some dude out walking his dog, that's much more low key. If you are actually caught at the site with your hand on a marijuana plant....RUN!
So just to review afterthis long post..:rolleyes:
Southward facing slope or fairly flat open area
Secluded spot, low foot traffic
soil workability- if ya can't dig, it's all moot.
Surrounding foliage to blend in with.

Good luck Nik

Nikolai Burdy

New member
Cheers guys. I have been looking in some local woods. But will continue to scout. Do you have stinging-nettles in the U.S?

We do in uk, and they look similar to dope. So im planning to hide them amongst the nettles. Not noticable and whose gonna mess with stinging-nettles.
Do you have those?

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted


Yeah, we do have a few different types of nettles and thistles. And yeah, from a distance they do have kind of a similar look to weed, so that should belend in nicely. And hell, if anyone actually gets through that pokey stinging mess to your plants, they've earned them. Be sure to wear stainless steel pants when walking in that stuff :) :D
Good luck.