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Chicago may decriminalize marijuana


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor

Chicago pot smokers may soon be able to light up without fear of jail time. Several Windy City councilmen said Thursday they plan to introduce a local law that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana in order to cut costs and free up police to handle more serious crimes.
Chicago police make about 23,000 arrests each year for possession of the drug, a misdemeanor which nevertheless carries stiff punishment of up to six months in jail, a $1,500 fine and a criminal record.
Under the new law set to be introduced next week, people caught with less than 10 grams of marijuana would instead face a $200 fine and up to 10 hours of community service.
Marijuana has already been downgraded to a lesser offense in several Chicago suburbs and areas of Cook County patrolled by the sheriff's department.
Some 11 US states have also decriminalized possession of small amounts of pot and 18 states allow its use for medical purposes, according to the pro-marijuana group NORML.
Enforcing marijuana prohibition costs US taxpayers $10 billion and results in the arrests of 853,000 people a year, NORML said.
Cook County Commissioner John Fritchey told reporters that the proposed law makes sense.
"It is not time to act tough on crime; it is (time) to be smart on crime. We need our resources spent somewhere else," he said.


Active member
Chicago may decriminalize marijuana

Looks like Chicago will be decriminalizing small amounts up to 10 grams. a bit of good news:

"Chicago pot smokers may soon be able to light up without fear of jail time.

Several Windy City councilmen said Thursday they plan to introduce a local law that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana in order to cut costs and free up police to handle more serious crimes.

Chicago police make about 23,000 arrests each year for possession of the drug, a misdemeanor which nevertheless carries stiff punishment of up to six months in jail, a $1,500 fine and a criminal record.

Under the new law set to be introduced next week, people caught with less than 10 grams of marijuana would instead face a $200 fine and up to 10 hours of community service.

Marijuana has already been downgraded to a lesser offense in several Chicago suburbs and areas of Cook County patrolled by the sheriff's department.

Some 11 US states have also decriminalized possession of small amounts of pot and 18 states allow its use for medical purposes, according to the pro-marijuana group NORML.

Enforcing marijuana prohibition costs US taxpayers $10 billion and results in the arrests of 853,000 people a year, NORML said.

Cook County Commissioner John Fritchey told reporters that the proposed law makes sense.

"It is not time to act tough on crime; it is (time) to be smart on crime. We need our resources spent somewhere else," he said."



Active member
Cannabis May Be Legalized In Chicago

Cannabis May Be Legalized In Chicago

It seems they are coming to their collective senses in Chicago. Citing the costs involved in arresting and prosecuting 23,000 people per year, several city council members decided enough was enough.
They are proposing to decriminalize possession of up to 10 grams.
Enforcing prohibition costs taxpayers $10 Billion per year according to NORML.
Another brick in the wall.



Active member
This is far from good news....... 10 fucking grams? And its doesn't mean you get to light up without arrest. If your caught smoking in public you'll go to jail like any other state including those that are medical. Its the possession which is decriminalized not the consumption. And if your stopped with less then 10 grams itll cost you $200 bucks.



Active member
I don't quite understand these people who celebrate the government and police finding a new way to cheaply steal money from innocent people.
It is not progress. Fuck punishment of any kind! Fuck permission of any kind!
No one has the right to tell another person they can and cannot consume cannabis.
This is far from good news....... 10 fucking grams? And its doesn't mean you get to light up without arrest. If your caught smoking in public you'll go to jail like any other state including those that are medical. Its the possession which is decriminalized not the consumption. And if your stopped with less then 10 grams itll cost you $200 bucks.


You guys are nuts. Not a criminal record means less consequences such as loss of jobs or student loans. $200 is nothing compared to the thousands that it will cost now PLUS jail time PLUS a criminal record. 10 grams is more than enough for personal use.

This isn't living the dream but it is a huge step in the right direction.

Max Yields

Active member
Only if "decriminalize" means that they want to find a way to make their own lives and work easier than how it already is. Too much wasted time and money on their part so in order for them to free up their time and still make money off of it is this solution that they came up with. This is still a pretty big step in the right direction though, but as stated before you can and will be locked up for smoking in public I assume. I'm not from there but I am familiar with that city. This whole country... shit the whole world needs to fully LEGALIZE and put cannabis to good use as it is intended to be. This is them doing things for their own benefit and profit still without the interests of our own personal freedom being considered (well maybe a little bit, but not enough IMO). The very least any law can do to be fair in my opinion is to allow at least one ounce possesion on you in public at all times and being able to smoke anywhere in public unless otherwise noted (or whatever appropriate designated areas would be such as gas pumps or firework factories and such or you know those pesky little "regulations" that may need common sense to apply).:smoky: To me THAT would be progressive. This law that they are passing is still a tiny pebble knocked out of the great wall but the first brick would have to be as I stated above already. When can this be possible? Im not too into politics but maybe...Ron Paul perhaps..?
You guys are nuts. Not a criminal record means less consequences such as loss of jobs or student loans. $200 is nothing compared to the thousands that it will cost now PLUS jail time PLUS a criminal record. 10 grams is more than enough for personal use.

This isn't living the dream but it is a huge step in the right direction.

Yes sir Rudy :wave:

We've had decrim and medical bills in the IL house and senate too many years in a row to just watch them expire or get voted down...

It's nice to see a small step towards progressive reform in this state. Until we can legalize, no criminal record for possession of under 10g's sounds much better than a misdemeanor :tiphat:

While you all are sitting here, let's bump these IL house bills... Hit up your rep :wave:

I've included pics of the bill status pages for the paranoid ones out there that don't wanna click on the links to a gov page ;)

Decrim statewide for less than an ounce.... HB100... Been stalled since March

HB30 Some gaping holes in this bill, but that's another thread topic ;) 6 plants, 2 ounces, automatic repeal of the bill 3 years after it's passed...

[Too big for pics...]

One more fun tidbit of info...

Voting results from the last med bill. Go get em!!

ILL :wave:
I live in the burbs of Chicago. Not good news unless it bleeds threw the whole state. I've never visited a bad neigborhood in any other city but Chicago, and let me tell you this, You can get free needles all over. Theres methadone clinics everywhere too. On the westside if you pull off the interstate at the wrong exit, and you are white they assume your looking for crack or dope. Its messed up. Giving us 10 grams is more like BULLSHIT.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
anybody else find the irony in this?:
the one council person who wasn't present to vote is named Mulligan?
I live in the burbs of Chicago. Not good news unless it bleeds threw the whole state. I've never visited a bad neigborhood in any other city but Chicago, and let me tell you this, You can get free needles all over. Theres methadone clinics everywhere too. On the westside if you pull off the interstate at the wrong exit, and you are white they assume your looking for crack or dope. Its messed up. Giving us 10 grams is more like BULLSHIT.

this is very VERY true... if ur white ur either tryin to get dope or they think ur a cop... but thats not only the west side where u can pull off the interstate and find anything u want waiting at a red light. shit u can buy a pack of socks gucci bag and a crack rock all at the same red light at almost every exit off the interstates from the west side to the southside. you can also tell where the higher up are at in the city because there exits clean and there neighborhoods are beautiful. just dont go over the tracks or under the bridge unless u wana see the real side of this city.
Dont get off the highway in chicago unless u know where u are. especially off of the eisenhower going into the city.

marijuana legalization in Il would stop the dumbass people in charge from spending the "Drug Enforcement Funds" on a harmless helpful medicinal plant that was gods gift to all creatures on earth and they could spend the money on the actual bad Drugs like coke n heroin thats been tearin this city apart for the past 40 years( u can tell where these drugs are most prevelant in the city as there is nothing left of the city there just run down abbandoned buildings and empty lots filled with aids infested needles and zombies walkin in the streets.) decriminalization for 10g is a start but the gangs and the organizations are still getting the money from selling it and that justs feeds the flow of the other more harmfull REAL DRUGS that are comming in that have to be paid for by us to get rid of. legalization would cut that down drasticly considering chicago is 1 of the major hubs of the united states.


Active member
Its a step in the right direction, small, but better than how it is now, nonetheless. Let's just not let it stop there...

Would it not be possible to take your unsigned ticket to your constitutionally granted court date and get the charge dismissed on the count that the issuing officer did not appear? Just like a speeding ticket? Just like it is now?


Active member
It's a small step. Not perfect, but better than before.
Yes, we all want total legalization, but it is happening in small steps.
Since they aren't going to legalize at once, it's all we can hope for.
Keep fighting. Eventually the wall will come down.


Active member
I don't quite understand these people who celebrate the government and police finding a new way to cheaply steal money from innocent people.
It is not progress. Fuck punishment of any kind! Fuck permission of any kind!
No one has the right to tell another person they can and cannot consume cannabis.

I agree completely. Don't legalize, decriminalize and wipe it off the books completely so it's no different than growing roses. You never hear of people getting in bar fights because they were too stoned. Tougher on alcohol would be a step in the right direction. Tax cannabis, abolish federal income tax and watch the economy blossom.
I agree completely. Don't legalize, decriminalize and wipe it off the books completely so it's no different than growing roses. You never hear of people getting in bar fights because they were too stoned. Tougher on alcohol would be a step in the right direction. Tax cannabis, abolish federal income tax and watch the economy blossom.

Decriminalize doesn't wipe it off the books. It just makes it a civil offense as opposed to a criminal one, ie fines...

Legalize it!

10 grams decrim is a start...
