The famous comedy team Cheech and Chong revealed recently in an interview that they blame the political right wing of this country for demonizing cannabis, and attempting to turn popular culture against it. The duo are well known for their pot advocacy over the last three decades. In fact, their recent comedy tour embraces the legalization movement while educating folks about the non-harmful aspects of cannabis consumption. They even play up how healthy they are after years of consuming cannabis.
For more on this read the following link:The comedy duo is back on the pro-marijuana bandwagon! Wait, were they ever off of it?
Decades ago comedy partners Richard “Cheech” Marin and Tommy Chong got audiences high on laughter with their stoner-inspired stand-ups, so it's no surprise that the pot-stirring duo are particularly buzzed these days about getting the drug legalized.
"It is going to be legalized, I’m going to be conservative here and say it will be legalized nationally in the next three years," Cheech assured Pop Tarts. "The writing is on the wall."
His counterpart is predicting four years for legalization to come into play across the entire USA and blames the "right wing media" and "propaganda" for making people fearful of the controversial cannabis plant.
"People are scared of legalizing it because the right-wing press demonizes anything like pot and the whole experience," Chong explained. "Pot helped me cure my prostate problems and helps people with cancer. It really is a medicine and has been for centuries, since the beginning of time. Our culture is finally now coming around to realize that."
Chong also believes that the Internet has played a prominent role in allowing people to Google and learn about the "positive" aspects of pot.
"No one has ever died from pot," Chong continued. "I was on an airplane coming back from our last gig and this neurosurgeon knelt down by my chair and said 'I deal with patients in alcohol-related car crashes all the time and I’ve been doing it for 20 years. And not once has marijuana caused the accident.'"
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