Great mutant dude! I think basically that mutant was about genetics,but u dont have any problem with that.
Dude is that an albino!! that's hella cool and DC's looks like a trifoliater, I honed my cloning skills from Sour D that was a trifoliate and yielded quite nicely with a cheap chinese 400watter and advanced nutrients
Dropped Cat what is that soil mix? the plant very happy indeed..
Space Ghost grew a mutant, it looked like a painful yield hahaha and so I will let the little mutant grow and we shall she what happens..
It will prob outgrow this characteristic ive had a mutant plant from the doctor from greenhouse seeds that looked funky for the whole seed run.the resulting clones never displayed the mutant still running this plant 3 years later..She was def a keeper
Up pot that mutant and hit it with some great white and I bet you it takes right off for ya.
Great mutant dude! I think basically that mutant was about genetics,but u don't have any problem with that.
Looks like light bleach to is a solid white