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cheap m.h bulb?


whats a good cheap all around 400 watt m.h bulb
cheap effective 400 watt conversion bulb

any help would be appreciated does lowes or home depot have such lights?


Active member
i did actually see some 400 watt metal halide bulbs at home depot once upon a time. not sure if its normal for them to carry.

which do you want, a 400 watt bulb or a 400 watt conversion bulb?

1000bulbs.com has 'em for between 15-45$ depending on the type of bulb you want. or just pick up your local yellow pages (or check em online) and call an electrical distributor in your area, and say "hey, my yard light burnt out and i need to get me a new one. it says it's a MH400/U-bt37". note that the U means universal and the BT-37 is the most common type of bulb or case or whatever for a MH. dont ask for conversion bulbs or sunmasters or anything like that though, they'll just carry standard bulbs with just a few options, shatterproof etc. if you need a conversion bulb, order it from 1000bulbs.com

please note. i've heard it said that 1000bulbs.com is very grower unfriendly. i dont know this from personal experience, its just something i read somewhere, but i would make sure you have a secure location to get it shipped to.



OG Refugee
Go to http://www.mdhydro.com/hf-light-bulbs.html and get a 400w Agrosun Gold for $42.36 and forget about a conversion bulb. I've been using Agrosun's for some years now all the way through flowering and the results are great.

The bulbs at HD or Lowes are just standard MH bulbs which are fine for vegging, but you'll want something else if you're going to flower with MH.


Active member
i'd be real leery of buying anything for indoor horticulture on ebay. thats just me though lol. watch paypal especially


why you say that? I just ordered one of there knock off hortilux bulbs it came fine but now you got me worried


No problem with bargain hunting however don't go too low man - stick with a dependable brand name ...

"If you go cheap - you grow weak"


Active member
durty, i've heard from several posts here and at planetganja that paypal and ebay both give any and all info if requested both by leo and buyers/sellers. not sure of the validity but the rumor is out there


i don't know myself either but there's no reason to think that ebay/paypal wouldn't give and and all info if leo requested it. but also remember, MH bulbs are also widely used in marine aquariums. if you're that concerned about a bulb from ebay, buy one listed in the pets/aquarium section. if there's any other concern, just say you're getting it for a aquarist friend that either doesn't have a credit card or an ebay account. or have a trusted friend order it for you.

just a thought.


Active member


you can get your bulbs at home de-pot, they carry mh and hps, just open the box before you leave and make sure it's not damaged...

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