Are there any cheap lighting alternatives that work?
At the moment if I went out and paid two to three hundred bucks on a light, my wife would kill me.
I would say Fluoros is your answer... Either Compact Fluoros {CFLs}, or 4' Shop Lights. The latter preferrably being equipped with Full Spectrum tubes...
I personally stopped using the CFLs {though others will swear by 'em!}, and am using the 4' Shop Lights. Though I do have a 400 watt hps for Flowering...
Thanks for that tip BuzzBob. That sounds like what I was looking for.
I did a little searching on the internet and came across some good information using this type of lighting. I will try to put the link here for anyone else that is interested.
From the "FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH" Dept - I've used 150w HPS "security lights" from a local hardware......can order online from Home Depot but shipping is a bear.
Guess it depends on what you want to harvest - for your own personal use and just a couple plants every 4-5 months grown in a closet situation - a couple work just fine. I've gotten a half dozen or so decent harvests out of closet designs costing less than $100US.....
The Sun; very amusing! lol It is though the best and its free! Not always applicable to all situations. I sugggest going to Ebay, also asking for a discount with any and all online hydro shops as they know they must compete, so you benefit!
A good inexpensive way is to go fluoro. I like to use the 4' shoplites as they don't get as hot as the compact fluoros. Even the cool white CFL are hot when you touch them. With the coolwhite tubes the plants can grow right into the light. Then during flowering, add some soft/warm white tubes. One for every shoplight. So it's cool/warm cool/warm. You can even add some warm white CFLs somewhere.
I have the lights completly suround the plants and get nice tight nodes. I also have a cool white CFL [not shown] that goes in the middle. The fifth shoplite was also taken down for the pic.
As your title states "cheap lighting alternatives?", try some 1000 watters with nice hoods. but if you mean alternatives to expensive lighting, there is this big powerful halide in the sky that most people see outside during the day time.
Just grabbed a 400w HPS with remote ballast, batwing reflector & bulb for $90US + $20US shipping off eBay. Search all categories for "grow light", and set your preferences to "ending soonest" or "buy now"......
One such seller converted hi-bay warehouse lights to "remote ballast grow lights" - NOT!!!! Be wary and use common sense when bidding & checking out a deal "too good to be true". CHECK THE SELLER'S FEEDBACK FROM OTHER BIDDERS!!!!! Not everyone is out to rip us off - but there are clowns out there convinced we're just stupid stoners and they can pull one over on us.