"Sometimes you'll be applauded and at other times you won't. But there's no need to be swayed by such things. Most important of all is faith. When we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo positively towards the future, towards victory, we find that victory already exists within us. Please keep pressing ahead with that conviction."
SGI Newsletter No. 7085, 3RD SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING—PART 3 [OF 3], Dedicating Ourselves to Kosen-rufu—Life’s Highest Purpose, January 6th, 2007, translated Jan 22nd, 2007
SGI Newsletter No. 7085, 3RD SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING—PART 3 [OF 3], Dedicating Ourselves to Kosen-rufu—Life’s Highest Purpose, January 6th, 2007, translated Jan 22nd, 2007