Gypsy and DG thanks for stopping in!
Gypsy and DG thanks for stopping in!
Don't be strangers. Dude, if I were a diety, I'd just MAKE everyone chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Since that has never happened, my assumption is that there is no such thing as a diety. But, in my opinion, the closest thing to one is ANY OF US chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
I am thrilled to see so many elevated life conditions.
However, remember, when each of you is challenged, just as you have been promised that you will be, the Law is there to protect you; but you must pass the test of manifesting the wisdom to not give in to your fundamental darkness, in order to allow your Buddha nature the opportunity to prevail.
Win or lose! It's up to you!
(And if you lose, it's no sin. Just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and try again!)
Gypsy and DG thanks for stopping in!
Don't be strangers. Dude, if I were a diety, I'd just MAKE everyone chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Since that has never happened, my assumption is that there is no such thing as a diety. But, in my opinion, the closest thing to one is ANY OF US chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
I am thrilled to see so many elevated life conditions.
However, remember, when each of you is challenged, just as you have been promised that you will be, the Law is there to protect you; but you must pass the test of manifesting the wisdom to not give in to your fundamental darkness, in order to allow your Buddha nature the opportunity to prevail.
Win or lose! It's up to you!
(And if you lose, it's no sin. Just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and try again!)
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