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CAUTION!!! Rant contained within.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

So wtf is it with banning/euthanasia of pitbulls and other large breeds all over the country when horses kill FIFTEEN times (15X's) the number of people yearly.

The dog intended to bite the person YES! but very likely didn't intend to kill.

The horse intended to kick (they time & place their kicks perfectly) the person but didn't intend to kill, or it intended to halt & throw the rider to the ground but didn't intend to kill.

but why the fuck do we choose to destroy the dog every time?

yes some dogs are vicious and may need to be put down or caged for life, it can't be helped. at the same time the same horse may try to throw each and every rider it encounters and might hurt or even kill someone but it almost never warrants a death sentence.......


Human Deaths Caused By Animals in the USA

Animal Type Per Year:
Horses: 219
Dogs: 14
Reticulated pythons: 0.3
Burmese pythons: 0.1
Other pythons: 0.0
Boa constrictors: 0.0
Other boas: 0.0



I guess them pythons got some babies! Eeek!

It's the people fighting pit bulls and running them in Compton that give pits a bad name.

My friend had one once that was so harmless, I met it the first time at 3 AM coming thru it's chain area. That dog licked me, was friendly pit bull.

But my friend's husband got a fighting stock pit bull puppy and tried to make it mean.

One day the FedEx people left a gate open, and the Good Pit and the mean one both got out.

The mean dog started killing all the dogs in the neighborhood, and the Good Pit bull joined in the fun.

Both dogs were put down by vet. Such a shame, the Good Pit would never have done that on his own, but he was put down none the less. RIP Puppy.

So I think Pit Bulls have a blood lust that comes over them when blood starts to flow. It is in their genes.

When the blood lust comes on, the Pit Bull won't stop killing. kill kill kill.

I like pit bulls myself, gotta raise your own dog from pups.


Active member
I've never had a horse come up to me, turn around and try to kick me in the head. I have had a dog bite me in my own front yard. In order to get bucked off a horse or kicked in the head you have to choose to be around the horse. I don't know how many dogs have killed their owners and their owner's children but I know many of the people bitten by dogs have not chosen to be around the dog.

I don't believe large dogs should be killed just because they are big. I just do not think the horse comparison works.


Me either. If you are dumb enough not to be careful around livestock then it's your own fault. My horses have never hurt me,my dogs have bitten both of us. But banning a certain breed anywhere is not good. Don't punish the dogs for what people have done to them. Most dogs in a pack will act the same,we hunt with 4 dogs and they all get in on the action.We take the youngsters with us,but all they get to do is observe untill they learn how the pack works.Training is what any dog needs first and foremost,no matter what breed or what job the dog has....IMHO


cant stop wont stop
interesting post Stoner
i have limitted experience with horses, other than this horse farm we dumped grass clippings at for free.. holy fuck cleaning our truck after a rainy day in the 'shit field' was something else let me tell you.. or being knee deep in shit literally. wow.
enough of that tho.

i have a little brindle pitty, one of the biggest sweethearts you'll ever meet - like alotta pits. i've been thinking about moving to colorado for a few reasons, one the environment and scenery and two the decriminalization and legalization of cannabis.
whats kept me, is almost every county there has ridiculed the breed and down right banned them. such a shame.

anyways the the other day i was walking out to get the mail, my mutt comes out with me like usual, well anywys this lady was walking by with her dog and my little pitty goes ahead of me wagging and wiggling excited to see another dog and goes to say what up.. i hear this loud shreeek "OH MY GOD!! THERES A PIT BULL IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!"
im just right behind her, 'oh hi', bitch starts asking me why i dont 'have that beast on a leash' i've never been so f'ing pissed but i keep my calm and tell her she needs to watch her attitude..

anyways i dont blame this middle aged woman for her reaction, fear, and ignorance. its the terrible reputation these dogs have gained through ass holes and the media.

you never hear about dog atttacks unless its a pitbuill - the reasoning behind this is not because pits are the ones who are attacking - its cuz its what makes the news

they are VERY powerful dogs, and have alot of energy, they shouldnt be raised by irresponsible or abusive people. but that rings with ANY breed IMO

sorry but i heard this thread was a 'rant thread'


Active member
Per the CDC, there are over 4.7 million dog bites a year (nearly 2% of the U.S. population); 800,000 of them serious enough to require hospitalization


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai

So wtf is it with banning/euthanasia of pitbulls and other large breeds all over the country when horses kill FIFTEEN times (15X's) the number of people yearly.

The dog intended to bite the person YES! but very likely didn't intend to kill.

The horse intended to kick (they time & place their kicks perfectly) the person but didn't intend to kill, or it intended to halt & throw the rider to the ground but didn't intend to kill.

but why the fuck do we choose to destroy the dog every time?

yes some dogs are vicious and may need to be put down or caged for life, it can't be helped. at the same time the same horse may try to throw each and every rider it encounters and might hurt or even kill someone but it almost never warrants a death sentence.......


Human Deaths Caused By Animals in the USA

Animal Type Per Year:
Horses: 219
Dogs: 14
Reticulated pythons: 0.3
Burmese pythons: 0.1
Other pythons: 0.0
Boa constrictors: 0.0
Other boas: 0.0


Weed vs potato


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
All the breeding going on as well doesnt help.. ya gotta wonder what fucking idiot gets ahold of these dogs...
And what are they going to be used for.. If you look at puppyfinders.com you will find litterally 1000's of pitbull from puppies to adult dogs that have been used as puppy machines for breeding.. big monies to be made.. pups go from 100-15,000 K and prolly more... Its really sux but as long as there is money to be made people will do whatever it takes to make as much as they can no matter the consequence..peace..



Garden Nymph
All the breeding of these dogs is like when car manufacturers make too many cars. They just sit in the car lots waiting to be sold. But with dogs, they're living creatures and it ain't no fun to see them stray and starving, much like it ain't fun to see stray and starving people.


I hate puppy mills and we will do anything we can to make plenty of trouble for them. Can you believe keeping dogs outdoors here in Michigan? We are still casing this guy,he moves around from county to county. Last year we were able to get 25 dogs from him......he said if we wated the rest we would have to PAY for them. This guy has been in trouble for years over his puppy mill. He wouldn't even let us on the property,he picked the dogs,and NONE were neutered.They were all dogs that had out-lived their "usefullness" to this guy. 7 were so bad they had to be put down. Even the County Animal Shelter wants to get this bastard. And now he has 250 dogs...he says they are his "family".Yeah my family lives outdoors,on the dirt,with one tiny doghouse for 6 or more dogs. I could kill this guy with my bare hands,I swear I could.If it wasn't for the people at the Humane Society,all the dogs would have been killed. They took 15 of them for us. Next time you want to donate to animal causes,you can start at HSUS. They really do take care,and work with many different rescues. Sorry for the rant,anybody that knows me knows this is a subject I am dedicated to.