Thats the first time its happened to me and I'm glad I was around to catch it in a few hours,the PPm's in my 8 by 8 room was around 3600 when I started venting.My setpoint is 1500PPM,so at 1450(50 below setpoint)it kicks on the generator until the 1500 setpoint then kicks off.It normally rises a little over 1600PPM then slowly drops to 1450 where it kicks in again.The problem this morning was at 1450 it kicked in but the reading on my cap stayed at 1450 instead of rising,this kept my generator running indefinately because it wouldn't rise to 1500 to cut it off.I killed power and it has been working alright but I need to know if this has happened to other CAP-PPM3 users and if its taking a crap on me.I wont always be here to save my plants from too much of a great thing