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Cant dry your gg harvest? Dry ice hash on site


Hello internet,
its really simple, and useful if you dont have a place to dry.

A few dried early from deer damage on stem

4kg dry ice

buds and leaves pulled by hand, ready for freezing

Freezing for 15-20min

Final result x5

4kg of ice was just enough. Works well on fluffy bud.



Fixed top tupperware to bottom lid (cut hole into it) with shitload of tape, because once you start and thing freezes new tape doesnt stick. Did the same with mesh, which i got from a friend who prints T-shirts :D

Fill insulated bag with layer of bud layer of ice. Leave 10-15 min (or) until all matter is frozen over. I tested that with crushing few denser bud. They have to crumble.
Fill 1/3 of top container with frozen plant material + dry ice.
Cover top with cloth so your hands dont get cold and shake for 1min (or until fluff stops falling through)
Repeat until done.

A lot of improvements are possible, but that is for next year


Active member
Interesting, I’ve come to appreciate dry ice method for making kief lately.

Are you using all dry material? Sounds like it, have wondered how much of a mess it would make trying live plants, or not fully dry ones.
I’ve used a tumbler and a bag with dry ice, both seemed to need to be cleaned between runs.

Nice and efficient way to haul it home


half were 1/2 dry, half were fresh.
I think keeping mesh frozen all the time helped a lot with mess. When not in use i tossed enough granules to cover it. Biggest problem imo is if it heats to normal temperature, water melts and everything becomes messy (at least how it works in my head) :D


Active member
Keeping it ice cold with the dry is definitely key, it lasts longer than I thought it would.
It comes in blocks, rice form and pellets, which are kind of small finger like pieces here, and I usually get to reuse the pellets somewhat if I screen a run for them.
I’m cutting a few plants this week and will have to try the live plant route, maybe collect it on parchment, since handling it will be a bit sticky to say the least.

How happy were you with the fresh vs dry product? Guessing more smell with the fresh



Best in pellets imo, fresh needs more ice because you have to freeze water in buds too.

From fresh i got less plant material in final result and more smell. Had to crush denser bud by stomping on the plastic freezing bag tho :D

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Dry ice hash from fresh material, pressed flat and hit off a large platter at relatively low temp, is probably the best thing I've ever smoked as far as flavor goes. As far as getting high goes, those fancy dab rigs are annoying and slow down the process too much.


Active member
Finally gave this a try, definitely the best smell and effect that I’ve had.

Tried a 70/30 ratio of pot to ice, as well as a 80/20 ratio, somewhere in between seems ideal.

I’ve done it in a 120 micron bubble bag over parchment paper as well as a metal kief tumbler over parchment. First minute is highest quality, by third and fourth minute it gets some greenness to it. Probably collect first two minutes together and last two minutes together as two differnt types, last two for edibles.

Only thing that kept me from trying it sooner was it seemed there would be more to it as far as not having a sloppy mess after it was sifted, or it wouldn’t sift as easy somehow.

Definitely worth trying, as simple as Rosomah has shown.