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Canon T3i?


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
just got me one........anyone else got one?got any shot's if ya do?looking at some macro lenses atm......would love some help from you cam head's.....doobie ive seen some of your threads....but imput would still be great......thanks in advance


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Mike I had to look this baby up to edjucate myself of its functions. It is fairly identicle to the cam I've been using for years here at IC. So the rest is up too you! LOL ..may I ask what lens you purchased with it and if you plan to buy an additional one? I'm tagged, I'll be here for Ya..DD


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
gonna have to order one specificly....wasthinking 100mm but not sure if im that interested in taking that many picture's....well paying that price,i may just say fuckit and get it anywho.....all i got was the stock lense and the telephoto 200mm..got some crispy shot's so far..still gotta upload them......gonna be looking at some lightning next....thanks for all your help fellas....bbl


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
ok so............i found a local w/60mm macro..and snagged it up.....lemme say im super happy w/my purchace.....super.....cant wait to get some lighting now...all i got is stock flash atm....gimme a few more day's...im doingsome more research..will try and get them on later tonight....whoooooooooooooot!!!!!daym this lense is crispy.....


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
for some reason it's not letting me put these pic's on the site........guess it cant resize them?could ya lend a hand on how to upload these shot's brotha doobie?too big maby? i got file space..got em loaded just not pulling thru for me


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Mike I have the best luck when re-sizing my images in Photoshop before trying to upload. Large file size is often a problem with uploads. I reduce my pix to around 8x10" and that at 72 DPI..or in pixels around 620x720..about 350KB...you can make them larger than this and still upload but our server kicks in re-sizing at some point, and I've never figured out what that kick in point really is!

Your pix right out of your cam, if you are shooting in large size, are huge...way over what I'm talking about. So consider some sort of photo software that will help you re-size. A lot of software now days lets you go back after you've done your editing and cropping and reduce size as a batch, all images at one time, this might be helpful, though I reduce mine one by one at the time of cropping..I'm tagged, let me know if you need more help..DD