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cannabis salve, a miracle for younger looking skin!

Big D

When I was young, my dad would often sit down next to me and pat me on the knee and ask me how i was doing?it was nice but as I looked at his hand I wondered, wtf is up with all those spots?!

Well as I got old, I got those spots too. Along with other skin blemishes caused by aging and exposure to the sun.

I have used all kinds of lotions but nothing works like this salve. I started using it for the pain in my hands but then i noticed the change in my skin. The spots on my hands are gone, my leathered redneck is gone. My skin just looks better :D

The salve is supposed to be for muscle aches but it is so much more!

I put it on before bed. Everywhere that is exposed to the sun.

I don't have before pics but maybe someone can take some and do a trail :D

Ingredients: cannabis, arnica,calendula,roses,lavender,oregano,St johnswort,bees wax,olive oil.

Try it for yourself...
Its the shit!


Can you tell me how you process the cannabis? Do you decarb it or use it raw? What method of extraction or form of cannabis are you infusing into your salve?
I have been experimenting with different salves. Mostly containing coconut oil, shae butter, and bees wax. I have decarb'd sugar leaves and used them to infuse the coconut oil. I have also used BHO and ISO extractions. Im still trying to get an affective salve for back pain that doesn't smell like cooked weed. I would be very interested to hear more about your process.

Big D

Hey BlackBubs, I don't make it. I use mendocino hemp salve. I am not sure of the process but I will check into it.

Big D

here's a recipe found online

here's a recipe found online

For those who would make there own. Its seems pretty easy.

You will need:
A large handful or two of decarboxylated leaf, Cheesecloth and twine, One quart olive oil, About eight ounces bees wax –the ratio is five parts liquid to one part bees wax. You can play with this to make your salve thicker or thinner to your preference. 5 tablespoons Vitamin E oil, 5 tablespoons Arnica oil, Enough small jars and containers to hold your salve. It’s fun to give away, so it’s great to have lots of small pots to share.

Here’s what to do:

First, infuse olive oil with cannabis. Using the cheesecloth and twine, make a weed bundle and tie it up tight so none of it gets into the oil. Pour all the oil into a pot and add the leaf bundle. Cover and simmer over low heat for twenty-four hours. Remove the bundle and let it drain or squeeze the oil out of it. Return the oil to the stove and slowly add bees wax. While the bees wax is melting, set up your jars on newspaper or waxed paper with the lids removed for pouring your salve. Once the beeswax is melted, quickly stir in the vitamin E and Arnica oils. Either pour the salve directly into the jars or pour it into a bowl with a spout to make it easier to pour into the jars. It is important to work quickly as the salve starts to solidify fast at room temperature. it is ready to use as soon as it is cool enough to tolerate. Let the salve harden and cool uncovered overnight. Cover and store in the refrigerator.

Big D

You can also use RSO or full cannabis extract.

If you have none of the above,
Use hashish or another pure cannabis concentrate in a base of fat that is heated to 300 degrees for about 15 minutes. Make the final oil very concentrated by using 3 or more grams of hashish in 1/2 cup of olive oil. Strain the final oil product if necessary.

Add to the above recipe.


Greaat, Thanks BigD. This is similar to my process although I cook mine at a lower temp for a longer time. I will have to try it with some Arnica oil.

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