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cannabis prisoner to be freed!


Well-known member
the gentleman who has served over twenty years for cannabis in Missouri, Jeff Mizansky, has been approved for parole & should be freed in a matter of days, his family has told the Huffington Post. i found this notice posted on YAHOO, but was unable to link to it directly because of my horrible lack of computer skills. i hope to God it is true & want to welcome him back to freedom where he belongs...:woohoo:


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Anytime someone locked up for growing a plant is released is time for a BIG PARTY!

Congratulations indeed!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
LOL approved for parole?

I expected the story to be about a guy being exonerated for his past MJ crimes and being given $$ for time wrongly served.


What have you done lately for the cause? I am betting nada, because you are already ignorant about this mans case.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Here is the story:

Jeff Mizanskey has been serving a life sentence in prison for marijuana-only offenses for over two decades now. I am very happy to report that it was announced today that Jeff Mizanskey has been granted parole, and will finally be released from prison to return to his family. The granting of parole comes after a very long public awareness campaign ran by Jeff Mizanskey’s family and the Show-Me Cannabis campaign. Below is more about today’s announcement, via ABC News:

The only man in Missouri serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for non-violent marijuana related offenses is now getting released from prison.

Jeff Mizanskey’s son tells ABC 17 News his father will soon get freed from the maximum security prison in Jefferson City. Mizanskey has already served more than 20 years in the prison for repeat marijuana offenses.

In May, Governor Jay Nixon commuted Mizanskey’s sentence after a major signature gathering by activists to petition the Governor. The Governor’s decision allowed for a parole hearing. Mizanskey’s parole hearing was held on August 6th.

After the August 6th parole hearing, it was estimated that the decision to deny or grant parole would take as long as 6-8 weeks. The fact that it only took four days to render a decision is a testament to just how unfair Jeff Mizanskey’s sentence was in my opinion. No one should have to serve even one day in a prison cell for marijuana, let alone over two decades. I am happy for Jeff, his family, and friends, and can’t wait to read about what he plans on doing once he is free. I want to extend an enormous kudos to the Show-Me Cannabis campaign for doing such an amazing job working with the Mizanskey family to wage the public awareness campaign! Jeff will finally be free!


Active member
I heard Gov Nixon finally signed the papers making him eligible for parole....big step forward for Missouri...all for shitty brick dirtweed...DJXX


Active member
Life has just begun. bad ass!!
And that sweet sweet feeling of freedom...ahhhh!!
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Active member
A petition went around on change.org, for his release, from what I remember reading, and it received over 400,000 signatures


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
that's great news!,,i signed the petition that his son set up a long while back,,,,,free at last:woohoo:,,,,,s2