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Cannabis Covid || HLVd


Stray Cat
What prompted me to bring up this subject was the discovery of the viroid in two plants in my garden. I've just thrown a White Widow (RQS) and an Auto Dosi (G13 Labs) in the garbage can. In my case, it was introduced along with every kind of pest imaginable through a commercial compost bought from a large gardening chain. It really sucks. See if you're affected by it.
Extremely important to say that there is no study in the world that links the plant's viroid to any harmful effect on humans.

It just affects our pockets.

Hop Latent Viroid in Cannabis​

Hop latent viroid (HLVd) occurs worldwide in hops, but in recent years, it has jumped to cannabis, causing significant reductions in yield, cannabinoid concentrations, and profits across the US and Canada world. Some experts have started to call HLVd “the COVID of cannabis”.

HLVd is a single-stranded, circular, infectious RNA. Similar to viruses, viroids are completely dependent on their host plant’s metabolism for replication. However, unlike viruses, viroids do not have a protective layer, such as a protein coat. In fact, viroids are the smallest known plant pathogens, measuring approximately 40nm in size.

View media item 18717411

How Widespread is Hop Latent Viroid?​

One study estimates as much as 90% of California cannabis is infected with HLVd, costing nearly $4 billion in lost yields. Another study, conducted by Dr. Zamir Punja of Simon Fraser University, found that 40% of cannabis flower sold in Canadian dispensaries tested positive for HLVd. Thankfully, the HLVd is not harmful to humans.

What are the Symptoms of Hop Latent Viroid?​

The symptoms of HLVd vary widely, depending on the stage of development the plant is in when the infection occurs.

Propagation Stage
Root length and root emergence are greatly reduced in clones taken from HLVd-infected mother plants. This reduction in root development results in slower-developing clones and poor-quality rooted cuttings. Reduced root development may also make plants more susceptible to root-infecting pathogens, such as fusarium and pythium.

View media item 18717410

Vegetative Stage
Plants that become infected with HLVd during the vegetative stage will often have stunted growth, including the following symptoms:
  • Lateral Branching
  • Brittle stems
  • Smaller, narrower leaves
  • Discolored, malformed leaves
  • Shorter internodal spacing
  • Odor similar to composting leaves
View media item 18717409

Flowering Stage
Signs of HLVd infection are often most apparent during flowering. In fact, the concentration of detectable viroid is higher during flowering than vegetative stage. Researchers are still unsure why HLVd concentrations increase during flowering, but it may have something to do with added stress on the plants.
Just like during vegetation, flowering HLVd-infected plants will appear smaller than healthy plants; and they may also exhibit unexpected yellowing of leaves near the bud sites, similar to the photo below.

View media item 18717408
Not only will HLVd-infected plants produce smaller flowers, but they will also produce fewer cannabinoids (up to 50% less). Electron microscope images captured by Dr. Punja show that HLVd-infected plants have under-developed trichomes, which are the cannabinoid-producing glands in the cannabis plant.

View media item 18717407

How Does Hop Latent Viroid Spread?​

HLVd transmits from one plant to another via contact with infected plant sap. This most commonly occurs via tools, equipment, and workers that have come into contact with infected plant sap. Cultivators should always sterilize tools, equipment, and hands with a 10% bleach solution before starting work on a new plant. Experiments performed by the Medicinal Genomics team showed that leafhoppers, which are known vectors for beet curly top virus and lettuce chlorosis virus, may also have the ability to spread HLVd. When leafhoppers feed on plants, they ingest infected plant sap, which can then be transmitted to their next meal.
HLVd can also spread through cloning when cuttings are taken from an infected mother. And because symptoms of HLVd are not always obvious in the vegetative stage, it can be hard to identify infected mother plants. This is especially true when infection occurs later in the plant’s development since stunted growth will not be as apparent. Growers should test mother plants before taking new cuttings to make sure they are producing clean clones.
Since HLVd is highly concentrated in roots, it can spread through water in hydroponic systems. Healthy plants that share water with infected plants may pick up the viroid, without any root-to-root contact.
Lastly, experiments have shown that HLVd can be transmitted via seed, either from infected males crossing with healthy females or healthy males crossing with infected females. In both cases, HLVd was detected on the seed coat and inside the seed.

How Does Hop Latent Viroid Infect Cannabis Plants and Replicate?​

HLVd has figured out how to high jack Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) and RNA ligase in the host plant. When RNA or DNA molecules are circular, they can be replicated like a wheel that becomes and infinite template. This creates long concatemers of the viroid genome. These concatemers are then sliced and diced into 256 base segments with the Ribozyme activity of the original double stranded viroid. Once the genome is diced, plant RNA ligases seal it back into many circles and the process can repeat itself. Take a look at Viropedia.net, This tool maps the variants found in your HpLVd genome to the Jamaican Lion transcriptome so you can see the regions in the Viroid that have homology to the cannabis mRNAs.

View media item 18717406
A few studies in closely-related hops (humulus lupulus) suggest that HLVd may exert its pathology through RNA interference, which occurs when short viroid sequences interfere with the expression of genes with which they have sequence homology.
The most likely candidate is the COG7 gene, which is involved in the formation of the organized shoot apical meristem. So far, the Medicinal Genomics team has found that 69% of the published HLVd genomes have homology to the COG7 gene, which may explain how HLVd affects plant growth. There are 24 other genes in the cannabis genome that have short homologies to HLVd genomes described in our latest preprint.

Is Hop Latent Viroid Systemic?​

HLVd moves systematically throughout the plant via the phloem over a period of approximately 6 weeks. HLVd enters the plant’s phloem at the point of infection where it travels to the roots and then throughout the entire plant.
Experiments conducted by Dr. Punja’s team at Simon Fraser University have shown that:
  • 2 weeks after inoculation, HLVd can be detected in the roots
  • 4 weeks after inoculation, HLVd can be detected in young leaves
  • 6 weeks after inoculation, HLVd can be detected throughout the entire plant.

View media item 18717405
This means that If one were to test a plant fewer than 6 weeks after infection, some tissues will test positive for HLVd, while others will test negative. That is why it is important to survey multiple parts of the plant when screening for HLVd.

Are Some Cannabis Cultivars Resistant to HLVd?​

Yes. Certain cannabis cultivars have demonstrated an ability to withstand HLVd infection. At CannMed 23, Kevin McKernan shared data from an experiment where he intentionally inoculated the Jamaican Lion cannabis cultivar with HLVd. Soon after, the researchers were able to detect HLVd in the plant’s roots; however, leaf and flower tissue tested negative up until harvest time. It was only after the plant was allowed to grow 3 weeks past the typical harvest time that lower branches began to test positive for HLVd.
The flower quality and yield also appeared to be unaffected. Other tests have shown that certain cultivars have a lower proportion of HLVd-positive plants.
The long-term solution to HLVd is to breed resistant cultivars that do not experience yield or potency loss. This is the case in hops, where HLVd is rampant, but it does not cause significant financial harm to the crop.

View media item 18717404

Click to watch: Hop Latent Viroid Shares a 19 Nucleotide Sequence with Cannabis sativa COG7 - Kevin McKernan

How Long Does Hop Latent Viroid Stay on Surfaces?​

HLVd is surprisingly stable. Experiments have shown that at room temperature the viroid remains detectable for up to 5 days on gloves and 4 weeks on dry leaves.
Additionally, exposing HLVd-infected tissue to high heat (up to 70C), UV-C, and disinfecting chemicals such as Virkon, Zerotol, Bleach, and Hypochlorous acid will not destroy the viroid.

How Can Growers Get Rid of Hop Latent Viroid?​

It takes time, but the best method for eliminating HLVd from a growing facility is with a process of testing and removing infected plants. At CannMed 23, Dr. Zamir Punja demonstrated that his team used this process over a period of 7 months and reduced the percent positive rate in his facility from 35% to 7%.

View media item 18717403
Meristem tissue culture can also be used to produce viroid-free clones; however,it is a long and laborious process that should only be reserved for cultivars that are critical to your business. As with most plant pathogens, prevention is key.
Additionally, tissue culture is not always effective. HLVd is not uniformly distributed throughout the tissue culture, and in some cases, viroid replication may be delayed during tissue culture only to reemerge once plant growth resumes.
Heat therapy is not effective in eliminating HLVd, and cold therapy is still unproven.

How Do You Test for Hop Latent Viroid?​

The best way to test for HLVd is with a qPCR assay that is designed for, and validated on cannabis. Medicinal Genomics’ PathoSEEK® Hop Latent Viroid Detection Assay is a reverse-transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR or QRT-PCR) assay that screens for the presence of Hop Latent Viroid in cannabis leaves and roots. DNA can be extracted from infected fan leaves using Leaf Punch Lysis Solution and the assay can be run on most qPCR machines with FAM, HEX, and ROX optical channels.
If you are looking for a lab to test for HLVd, you can fill out the form below and we will connect you with a partner lab in your area.

Thanks to Medical Genomics for the original text, to read it click here.


Well-known member
What prompted me to bring up this subject was the discovery of the viroid in two plants in my garden. I've just thrown a White Widow (RQS) and an Auto Dosi (G13 Labs) in the garbage can. In my case, it was introduced along with every kind of pest imaginable through a commercial compost bought from a large gardening chain. It really sucks. See if you're affected by it.
Extremely important to say that there is no study in the world that links the plant's viroid to any harmful effect on humans.

It just affects our pockets.

Hop Latent Viroid in Cannabis​

Hop latent viroid (HLVd) occurs worldwide in hops, but in recent years, it has jumped to cannabis, causing significant reductions in yield, cannabinoid concentrations, and profits across the US and Canada world. Some experts have started to call HLVd “the COVID of cannabis”.

HLVd is a single-stranded, circular, infectious RNA. Similar to viruses, viroids are completely dependent on their host plant’s metabolism for replication. However, unlike viruses, viroids do not have a protective layer, such as a protein coat. In fact, viroids are the smallest known plant pathogens, measuring approximately 40nm in size.

View media item 18717411

How Widespread is Hop Latent Viroid?​

One study estimates as much as 90% of California cannabis is infected with HLVd, costing nearly $4 billion in lost yields. Another study, conducted by Dr. Zamir Punja of Simon Fraser University, found that 40% of cannabis flower sold in Canadian dispensaries tested positive for HLVd. Thankfully, the HLVd is not harmful to humans.

What are the Symptoms of Hop Latent Viroid?​

The symptoms of HLVd vary widely, depending on the stage of development the plant is in when the infection occurs.

Propagation Stage
Root length and root emergence are greatly reduced in clones taken from HLVd-infected mother plants. This reduction in root development results in slower-developing clones and poor-quality rooted cuttings. Reduced root development may also make plants more susceptible to root-infecting pathogens, such as fusarium and pythium.

View media item 18717410

Vegetative Stage
Plants that become infected with HLVd during the vegetative stage will often have stunted growth, including the following symptoms:
  • Lateral Branching
  • Brittle stems
  • Smaller, narrower leaves
  • Discolored, malformed leaves
  • Shorter internodal spacing
  • Odor similar to composting leaves
View media item 18717409

Flowering Stage
Signs of HLVd infection are often most apparent during flowering. In fact, the concentration of detectable viroid is higher during flowering than vegetative stage. Researchers are still unsure why HLVd concentrations increase during flowering, but it may have something to do with added stress on the plants.
Just like during vegetation, flowering HLVd-infected plants will appear smaller than healthy plants; and they may also exhibit unexpected yellowing of leaves near the bud sites, similar to the photo below.

View media item 18717408
Not only will HLVd-infected plants produce smaller flowers, but they will also produce fewer cannabinoids (up to 50% less). Electron microscope images captured by Dr. Punja show that HLVd-infected plants have under-developed trichomes, which are the cannabinoid-producing glands in the cannabis plant.

View media item 18717407

How Does Hop Latent Viroid Spread?​

HLVd transmits from one plant to another via contact with infected plant sap. This most commonly occurs via tools, equipment, and workers that have come into contact with infected plant sap. Cultivators should always sterilize tools, equipment, and hands with a 10% bleach solution before starting work on a new plant. Experiments performed by the Medicinal Genomics team showed that leafhoppers, which are known vectors for beet curly top virus and lettuce chlorosis virus, may also have the ability to spread HLVd. When leafhoppers feed on plants, they ingest infected plant sap, which can then be transmitted to their next meal.
HLVd can also spread through cloning when cuttings are taken from an infected mother. And because symptoms of HLVd are not always obvious in the vegetative stage, it can be hard to identify infected mother plants. This is especially true when infection occurs later in the plant’s development since stunted growth will not be as apparent. Growers should test mother plants before taking new cuttings to make sure they are producing clean clones.
Since HLVd is highly concentrated in roots, it can spread through water in hydroponic systems. Healthy plants that share water with infected plants may pick up the viroid, without any root-to-root contact.
Lastly, experiments have shown that HLVd can be transmitted via seed, either from infected males crossing with healthy females or healthy males crossing with infected females. In both cases, HLVd was detected on the seed coat and inside the seed.

How Does Hop Latent Viroid Infect Cannabis Plants and Replicate?​

HLVd has figured out how to high jack Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) and RNA ligase in the host plant. When RNA or DNA molecules are circular, they can be replicated like a wheel that becomes and infinite template. This creates long concatemers of the viroid genome. These concatemers are then sliced and diced into 256 base segments with the Ribozyme activity of the original double stranded viroid. Once the genome is diced, plant RNA ligases seal it back into many circles and the process can repeat itself. Take a look at Viropedia.net, This tool maps the variants found in your HpLVd genome to the Jamaican Lion transcriptome so you can see the regions in the Viroid that have homology to the cannabis mRNAs.

View media item 18717406
A few studies in closely-related hops (humulus lupulus) suggest that HLVd may exert its pathology through RNA interference, which occurs when short viroid sequences interfere with the expression of genes with which they have sequence homology.
The most likely candidate is the COG7 gene, which is involved in the formation of the organized shoot apical meristem. So far, the Medicinal Genomics team has found that 69% of the published HLVd genomes have homology to the COG7 gene, which may explain how HLVd affects plant growth. There are 24 other genes in the cannabis genome that have short homologies to HLVd genomes described in our latest preprint.

Is Hop Latent Viroid Systemic?​

HLVd moves systematically throughout the plant via the phloem over a period of approximately 6 weeks. HLVd enters the plant’s phloem at the point of infection where it travels to the roots and then throughout the entire plant.
Experiments conducted by Dr. Punja’s team at Simon Fraser University have shown that:
  • 2 weeks after inoculation, HLVd can be detected in the roots
  • 4 weeks after inoculation, HLVd can be detected in young leaves
  • 6 weeks after inoculation, HLVd can be detected throughout the entire plant.

View media item 18717405
This means that If one were to test a plant fewer than 6 weeks after infection, some tissues will test positive for HLVd, while others will test negative. That is why it is important to survey multiple parts of the plant when screening for HLVd.

Are Some Cannabis Cultivars Resistant to HLVd?​

Yes. Certain cannabis cultivars have demonstrated an ability to withstand HLVd infection. At CannMed 23, Kevin McKernan shared data from an experiment where he intentionally inoculated the Jamaican Lion cannabis cultivar with HLVd. Soon after, the researchers were able to detect HLVd in the plant’s roots; however, leaf and flower tissue tested negative up until harvest time. It was only after the plant was allowed to grow 3 weeks past the typical harvest time that lower branches began to test positive for HLVd.
The flower quality and yield also appeared to be unaffected. Other tests have shown that certain cultivars have a lower proportion of HLVd-positive plants.
The long-term solution to HLVd is to breed resistant cultivars that do not experience yield or potency loss. This is the case in hops, where HLVd is rampant, but it does not cause significant financial harm to the crop.

View media item 18717404

Click to watch: Hop Latent Viroid Shares a 19 Nucleotide Sequence with Cannabis sativa COG7 - Kevin McKernan

How Long Does Hop Latent Viroid Stay on Surfaces?​

HLVd is surprisingly stable. Experiments have shown that at room temperature the viroid remains detectable for up to 5 days on gloves and 4 weeks on dry leaves.
Additionally, exposing HLVd-infected tissue to high heat (up to 70C), UV-C, and disinfecting chemicals such as Virkon, Zerotol, Bleach, and Hypochlorous acid will not destroy the viroid.

How Can Growers Get Rid of Hop Latent Viroid?​

It takes time, but the best method for eliminating HLVd from a growing facility is with a process of testing and removing infected plants. At CannMed 23, Dr. Zamir Punja demonstrated that his team used this process over a period of 7 months and reduced the percent positive rate in his facility from 35% to 7%.

View media item 18717403
Meristem tissue culture can also be used to produce viroid-free clones; however,it is a long and laborious process that should only be reserved for cultivars that are critical to your business. As with most plant pathogens, prevention is key.
Additionally, tissue culture is not always effective. HLVd is not uniformly distributed throughout the tissue culture, and in some cases, viroid replication may be delayed during tissue culture only to reemerge once plant growth resumes.
Heat therapy is not effective in eliminating HLVd, and cold therapy is still unproven.

How Do You Test for Hop Latent Viroid?​

The best way to test for HLVd is with a qPCR assay that is designed for, and validated on cannabis. Medicinal Genomics’ PathoSEEK® Hop Latent Viroid Detection Assay is a reverse-transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR or QRT-PCR) assay that screens for the presence of Hop Latent Viroid in cannabis leaves and roots. DNA can be extracted from infected fan leaves using Leaf Punch Lysis Solution and the assay can be run on most qPCR machines with FAM, HEX, and ROX optical channels.
If you are looking for a lab to test for HLVd, you can fill out the form below and we will connect you with a partner lab in your area.

Thanks to Medical Genomics for the original text, to read it click here.
Thanks, for the post friend very interesting information. Sorry to hear about you losing your plants.


Stray Cat
what Brand?

sorry to hear about this :(

Local stuff from Brazil, but the pest is everywhere. Bad choice.
Still investigating the issue, not sure it this is the source of my problem.
For sure, it brings aphids, caterpillars, whiteflies, etc... So it's an "obvious conclusion" of mine.
There is a chance that the seeds are carrying the viroid, cause my other plants are doing fine (There is a guy in the Italian subforum with the same problem growing Royal Queen Seeds as well).
Maybe my other plants (Dutch Passion, Europa Seeds) are resistant to the viroid, maybe the problem is not in the soil.

I believe we should pay more attention to this thing.


Stray Cat
I was in denial for 4 years blaming all kinds of things, leds, nutrients, water etc, when it was viral levels steadily increasing ruining my garden. I equate the risks of getting clones these days to buying street drugs. It isn't worth it, everything has fusarium/viroid.
Yes, still not sure the source for me, maybe the bagseeds, maybe RQS seeds, maybe the commercial compost... My last run with bagseeds went completely normal from begin to end.
Started noticing slow growth specially using that medium with RQS seeds, these are my best bets for now.

Now I'm going to multiply the care I take with anything that comes into the house.

Glad you discovered the problem, better late than never.


Well-known member
I was in denial for 4 years blaming all kinds of things, leds, nutrients, water etc, when it was viral levels steadily increasing ruining my garden. I equate the risks of getting clones these days to buying street drugs. It isn't worth it, everything has fusarium/viroid.
I wonder if plain old peat would be a safer bet than getting potting mix? Or going to perlite hempy buckets or some other forms of hydro...making sure that they don't share water or touch each other. I also wonder if frozen seed can kill the virus. I'm glad that i never got clones and that a lot of saved seed is from the early 2000's.


Well-known member
Yes, I have moved from recirculating ppk's to drain to waste. Shared water source spreads this like wildfire. I'm back on old seed myself and regret veering off course. Seed sterilization is key but not a guarantee, I use hocl. My garden is showing vigor and health I haven't seen in years. To top it off most of the "elites" were just depressing smoke for me compared to personal selections.

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