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Canna Mono Calcium - what is inside? Misleading label


I'm making my own custom nutrient profile with Canna mono calcium.

Label is obviously misleading, as they state 15% Ca and nothin else. MSDS says it is Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 in water solution.
Ok, so it has also shitload of Nitrogen!

But, how much?
And also on the back they state 11,6% m/m CaO. How is that possible? Sholud be other way around?

I'm using Cannastats calculator for calculating profile and have no clue, what to put in it.

Looking other Calcium nitrate fertilisers, I'm estimating ratio of Ca/N of about 11/9.

Thank you for your help


Well-known member
The dry calcium nitrate double salt is 15.5% nitrogen and 19% calcium. So if you dilute it in water to the point where the solution is 15% calcium, the total nitrogen content of the solution is approx. 12.24% (11.37% nitrate and 0.87% ammonium).

Calcium is 71.74% of the CaO (calcium oxide) molecule. So 71.74% of 15 is 10.6



The dry calcium nitrate double salt is 15.5% nitrogen and 19% calcium. So if you dilute it in water to the point where the solution is 15% calcium, the total nitrogen content of the solution is approx. 12.24% (11.37% nitrate and 0.87% ammonium).

Calcium is 71.74% of the CaO (calcium oxide) molecule. So 71.74% of 15 is 10.6


Thank you for this.
But they clearly state 15% Ca in front of the bottle and 11.6% m/m of CaO.
Sorry, but still don't get it....

I'm usin RO water and need to supplement a lot of Ca, and N obviously messes with my nutrient profile. A LOT!! I get Ca def quickly otherwise.
GH Flora duo base nutes, btw.
So, what numbers should I put in calculator? 12N and 15Ca? Hmm.....

Thank you


Well-known member
I see now what you are talking about. Yes that is bassackwards. Obviously an error on Cannas part. Have you contacted them regarding this?

Best regards,


Active member
I'm making my own custom nutrient profile with Canna mono calcium.

Label is obviously misleading, as they state 15% Ca and nothin else. MSDS says it is Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 in water solution.
Ok, so it has also shitload of Nitrogen!

But, how much?
And also on the back they state 11,6% m/m CaO. How is that possible? Sholud be other way around?

I'm using Cannastats calculator for calculating profile and have no clue, what to put in it.

Looking other Calcium nitrate fertilisers, I'm estimating ratio of Ca/N of about 11/9.

Thank you for your help

Canna tends to be fairly reliable when labeling and given non-compliant labeling can result in product recall is places like Ca and Oregon manufacturers tend to work hard at getting it right. I'd be inclined though to lab test it to get a reliable picture.


Active member
I'm making my own custom nutrient profile with Canna mono calcium.

Label is obviously misleading, as they state 15% Ca and nothin else. MSDS says it is Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2 in water solution.
Ok, so it has also shitload of Nitrogen!

But, how much?
And also on the back they state 11,6% m/m CaO. How is that possible? Sholud be other way around?

I'm using Cannastats calculator for calculating profile and have no clue, what to put in it.

Looking other Calcium nitrate fertilisers, I'm estimating ratio of Ca/N of about 11/9.

Thank you for your help

fucked up..if you are right and i think you are

you will have plenty of N in your "mono"

It dont make any sence that you have 15% Ca in solution from 11.6% CaO.

You need to find out if you can trust the numbers, personally i would switch to a more professionel solution

side note, its really difficult to make a mono calcium product, you need to evaporate the nitrate ect, also the end solution would be quite reactive so when you mix with other products to make your feed.
the Ca+2 would find a ionic partner and if any sulfur is around in the solution, the Ca would make gypsum and percipitate out of solution properly adding with it some iron and other trace elements.

So most solutions on Calcium use either calciumnitrate or wuxal products.

Calcium nitrate based products is regarded as the most effective way to give a plant calcium, quick and effective, non organic =)

Could you post a pic of the msds, i tryed to find it online but nada, just lame sale pitches =)


Active member
fucked up..if you are right and i think you are

you will have plenty of N in your "mono"

It dont make any sence that you have 15% Ca in solution from 11.6% CaO.

You need to find out if you can trust the numbers, personally i would switch to a more professionel solution

side note, its really difficult to make a mono calcium product, you need to evaporate the nitrate ect, also the end solution would be quite reactive so when you mix with other products to make your feed.
the Ca+2 would find a ionic partner and if any sulfur is around in the solution, the Ca would make gypsum and percipitate out of solution properly adding with it some iron and other trace elements.

So most solutions on Calcium use either calciumnitrate or wuxal products.

Calcium nitrate based products is regarded as the most effective way to give a plant calcium, quick and effective, non organic =)

Could you post a pic of the msds, i tryed to find it online but nada, just lame sale pitches =)

It could also be calcium chloride - thing is its entirely speculative until it is tested. CaCl may not be a bad thing in RO water where no Cl is present (maybe 1ppm) but use it in a tap water supply that has a high Cl content and things could quickly go pear shaped. Actually we analyzed a Botanicare Cal Mag product which contained 3.3% Cl, 3.1% Ca and 1.38% Mg - thing is Ag regulators don't require the listing of Cl so often (almost always) it is never listed. Logic tells me this is the way Canna may have gone if the product is being sold in States where regulators randomly test products for mislabeling --- i.e. it isn;t mislabeled because there is no need to list Cl. Shonky shit either way and why not buy another product that does make sense re labeling?


Active member
Thanks Avenger, qoute from link

"Preparation based on substances including water and calcium nitrate"

Pretty straight forward - calnite add water and you got canna's mono Ca, LOL

based on that i really dont think they evaporated the nitrates.


So, basically, Canna "mono" is Canna stereo. In my stupidity I believed them....And I was wondering, why the hell are my leaves so dark green late in the flower. As GH Duo late in the flower at 4:1 bloom to grow ratio has almost no Ca, which I was trying to add. And oh boy, i added a lot!
I need to change the nutrient next round, thinking Lucas or Floranova. Growth technology looks good, but for the love of god, where can I find, what is inside?? Can somebody help me?
Thank you!

Btw, I contacted Canna about the "mono" issue, no answer...


Hello lads . Hope u don't mind me butting in . Sounds like u know your stuff and values , hence me asking if you could have a look at this for me . I got a funny feeling I'm far out with my mix. Ro = 30 ppm . 10 L mix . 25 ml A + B , 25 ml Zym , 20 ml Rhiz and 20 ml boost . So far , so good . Now is the tricky bit , lol ,,,,, on top of this , i add 30 ppm Epsom and 90 ppm Canna Mono Cal . All this comes out at approx. 600 ppm . I'm in Canna Coco Pro Plus w/ 30 % perlite . Plants are nice and green , but a bit slow . Am I giving them too much cal ? I use the 0.5 scale and they have just gone into their 6 th. week in veg .This thread is over a year old , I know . Hope u don't mind


wow not very "mono" if this is true, that's fucked up, i expected allot more from a company like canna. That being said i did just get new bottles of canna coco A/B and the ppms are way off, comes out 200ppm over what it should (tested now on multiple meters)


New member
7 years later! 😲

Joined to post in this thread as I kept coming across it when looking for the answer (before getting in touch with Canna directly).

Was told over the phone before, that it contains 5.5% N. The person on the phone did seem genuinely surprised (they called back with the information). They also happened to have the e-mail I had written previously, which had been forwarded to them for response. Was told they'll be changing the labels. I asked if it was OK for me to post this and was told no problem. The call actually ended OK from my end.(aside from the wtf?)

Not reckoning with any reply, I had tried via different channels. Got a response on one which I didn't really find that OK. They said they were OK on the legal side but were changing labels. I hadn't even thought of that aspect and knew through work that labels can have an error on them for a long time, even if updated multiple times for other reasons.


pure dynamite
I wonder why people pay for calcium nitrate water in a bottle. The smallest bag of dry calcium nitrate you can find makes more than you can use in years. And probably costs less than one bottle of "premade" liquid.


New member
I wonder why people pay for calcium nitrate water in a bottle.
wonder why people use calcium nitrate at all.
My guess is availability. Not for the plants but buying. Also if you know what's in it(and how much), it can be taken into consideration and easier to mix. I needed calcium and that was the only thing I could get immediately. Anything else would likely have taken weeks or I would have had to experiment to the the dosage right fist. Also probably easier to use in hydroponic systems(just guessing here)
Just need to mix it with Epsom Salt I get locally so I can
say bye bye to expensive Cal/Mag in a bottle.
This is the kind of thing I want to go back to in the long run. With new DIY system, I wanted to reduce the variables that could lead to issues for the first run - hence everything as pre-mixed liquids.


Well-known member
Purchased a kilo of dry Calcium Nitrate online recently.
Just need to mix it with Epsom Salt I get locally so I can
say bye bye to expensive Cal/Mag in a bottle. :pimp3:
Better make two separate bottles, or else you get a big sludge of gypsum (Calcium sulfate) precipitate. Guess how i know.

(EDIT: My guess would be that the store-bought Cal Mag consists of Calcium Nitrate plus Magnesium Chloride, i.e the cheapest soluble Mag source.)

I mix my Cal-nit bottle roughly at 0,5 kg per 1 L (or a Lb per quart?),
and epsom at 0,25 kg per liter.
Those above strengths give stable solutions, and it doesn't take forever to dissolve. (I dissolve in hot tap water for practicatilty, though.)

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