can aiport puffers detect weed? If it was just a small amount and vacum sealed would a puffer machine be able to detect it if they passed you through it??
ninfan77 said:The puffer machines CAN detect MJ if they are configured to do so. However, they are not.
Not the same issue for explosives they want anyone thats come in contact with anything and those puffer machines can pick it up.
Jack Crevalle said:Exactly and here is where it picked up a scent on me.
I was passing through D.C. once (3 years ago) and had a backpack with me on board. Upon entering the security area in D.C. (Dulles) the lady grabbed my bag and swabbed it with the swabs (previous puffer machine technology) of cotton and put it into the "sniffer" or "puffer". It made a noise and she did it again. She got nervous and asked me what was inside. I said, regular stuff, clothes toiletries..she tore my bag apart and swabbed everything inside until she came across my dop kit (toiletry kit) where I had kept all my roaches during the trip, and now was empty. She asked me like 5 times what was in there, what I had there.. and I knew I had nothing so I just replied calmly all times. She finally let me go on my way.
My theory - It picked up the scent of burned items, burned, charred paper and burned bud set the machine off. I imagine any burnt items may set it ie. - dirty pipe etc..
It may not pick up herb smells, but burned stuff could indicate any type of weird behaviour I guess, who carries burnt shit around anyway..
Be careful.
stoned2thebone said:can aiport puffers detect weed? If it was just a small amount and vacum sealed would a puffer machine be able to detect it if they passed you through it??