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California pot research center may be winding down work


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ICMag Donor
This story was in the press democrat..

SACRAMENTO — A research center established by the California Legislature to look into the possible medical benefits of marijuana is wrapping up its work after 10 years and nearly $9 million.

Igor Grant is a psychiatrist who directs the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at the University of California, San Diego. He said in a report issued Wednesday that four of the 15 state-funded studies show that smoking pot "is a promising treatment" in reducing pain caused by certain neurological injuries or diseases.

Grant says a fifth project showed that cannabis can reduce the painful muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis.

Because the federal government considers marijuana an illegal drug, Grant says the center's experiments have provided the first U.S. clinical trials on the efficacy of smoked pot in 20 years.

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does anyone know where the study was published? I would love to read it.


Active member
Here is a Google News Search which lists many news sources relating to this story. Be sure to check the date of the story you are reading. I did not limit the search to the last 24 hours.

Click here for The Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) which did the study. There is a link in the middle of the web page which goes to a PDF which contains the report to the legislature. There is also a lot of interesting reading under the links on the right side of the page.


I'm not done reading this, but I really think this is gonna help explain a lot.

Look at the experiment at the bottom of p.11 with the hot peppers. The conclusion that too much thc increases pain was kind of a "duh" moment for me. My first time I smoked too much and thinking back about it, I had pain running up and down my spine and in my head. I didn't think it'd be a normal reaction or anything, but now that this study says so.... I guess it is :)

This is a great read, guys. Thanks for posting.

Edit: Also, look on p.12 to see them weigh in on vaporizers :)

Edit: Oh shit! Look at “Effects of Cannabis Therapy on Endogenous Cannabinoids” on p.14!


full time daddy
im no psychiatrist, but i know one....
he would say "got ask U'R self why"


....Y did it take 9 million and 10 yr's?


hey thanks mr noodles.

this should make it a little harder for anyone to deny the right of harmless! pain relief it would seem. or not.
i got injured c6&7 and i have been medicating for a long time. it works for nerve pain.
i'm legal cause i can be, but i'll smoke weather or no.

mr noodles

the thread title should be edited to we have a legal hammer to prove in all objectivity the legitimacy of medical marijuana .

its the study we needed at all cost and we have it .

this is a victory and a big one . no professional medical association can denied the virtue of mmj because of this study .

this is the hammer of legality and legitimacy for every medical users in the world




One day you will have to answer to the children of
10 years and 9 million dollars to find out that it helps with MS.

I love government spending.

I guess they never thought to search You Tube.


we should be happy that they are the government is still doing this no matter how slow it may be....better than not doing any studies at all... but yeah....the government needs to quicken things up... ask the thousands of people with mmj cards about their experiences with the drug seems a lot simpler


10 years and 9 million dollars to find out that it helps with MS.

I love government spending.

I guess they never thought to search You Tube.

Now the government can't refute marijuana as having medical value imo. One would think a Schedule I review would happen soon.