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California people - New Sean Parker draft initiative. How do you feel about this?


Link -> http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/marijuana/article41110128.html

I thought ReformCA was a bit better, this article contrasts the features of ReformCA vs the Parker initiative. All ReformCA has is Justin from Weedmaps and he wont be able match Parker's wealth according to this articles on this subject I've found.

Parker's initiative has higher taxes, requires licenses for everything, buying/selling your own private grown herb to each other is still a crime, can't make your own concentrates (it said solvent) without some kind of license, etc... I have no idea how much licenses will cost.

Big money seems to own marijuana at the ballots I think we shoul just face it. I support legalization and would love to open an online weed store someday myself. I hope something Federal comes along in 10 years or less that straightens everything out for interstate commerce and banking.

I didn't read the full draft so I don't know if you can grow your own or how much or anything like that.


Well-known member
(b) Notwithstanding Paragraph (3) of Subdivision (a) of Section 11362.1, personal cultivation of marijuana is subject to the following restrictions: (1) A person shall plant, cultivate, harvest, dry, or process living plants in accordance with local zoning and other ordinances, if any. (2) The living plants and any marijuana produced by the living plants in excess of 28.5 grams are kept within the person’s private residence, or upon the grounds of that private residence (e.g., in an outdoor garden area), are in a locked space, and are not visible by normal unaided vision from a public place. (3) Not more than six living plants may be planted, cultivated, harvested, dried, or processed within a single private residence, or upon the grounds of that private residence, at one time.

so you can grow 6 as big as you want, just dont let anything more than a zip leave your house.


Yeah if zoning and other ordinances allows it. Take city of Perris, Riverside County, and San Bernardino for example. Perris did an illegal eviction of a dispensary recently. These are the most anti-mj areas of California. Oh, that and Gilroy - bans cultivation by patients outright.


Andinismo Hierbatero
for all the bullshit people talk about how progressive California is about cannabis, you can only grow 6 plants?

in Colombia is now legal to grow up to 20 plants in your backyard...

LOL @ California being the weed capital of the world


Yup. Canada is going to lead the way too. We don't even have legal marijuana smoking lounges in the USA. If you want to blaze at a venue you have to go to Amsterdam...That or pay $375 a night to bring your own bud to a Colorado bud and breakfast resort. I contacted the tribal governments of Pechanga and Morongo casino, told them to open marijuana smoking lounges with a 5 gram per day limit, trackable with the rewards card. Hopefully soon!

I wonder if Stoners against Legalization will be back to FUD against California attempting to legalize. I know if Parker vs ReformCA I would vote ReformCA for sure.


isn't it 6 mature and 6 immature (veg) right now in Cali? 12 total as long as only 6 are in flower? so would this bill actually be even more restrictive than it currently is re: personal growing? by saying 6 TOTAL? fuck this plant count shit. i'm about that canopy size if it's gotta be regulated. it makes so much more sense for lawmakers and growers alike.

and lol @ Gilroy restricting personal growing - the place already reeks of garlic, it's not like the skunk smell coming out of peoples' windows and back yards can even compete with that garlic stench. :laughing:


cost of licenses aside, would licenses be open to the public? example, most of LA county stopped giving out licenses and is almost impossible to come by one.

Wondering how hard it would even be to get a license for cultivation/manufacturing and wholesaling to storefronts as a side vendor, like how the microbrew scene is. Beer manufacturers have licenses to brew their beer and then they sell their stock to distributors like Vons, Safeway etc. So you can build your own brand of cannabis and sell to storefronts with your label...

Wouldn't that be nice?

paper thorn

Active member
sounds a lot like the legalization initiative here in AZ by the MPP. I hope it passes, even though it's more restrictive than i'd like it. Still, there is a way, though expensive, to get into legal commercial cultivation, retail, etc. Retail will be capped at 10% of liquor licences, about 150.


Here's my prediction on how it will pan out. Sean will waste money, Steve DeAngelo will walk away disappointed. The money grab by CA politicians (AB266/SB643) will be useless if CCHI 2016 passes. DYK - the initiative announced by the MPP, under section 'k' reinforces, includes, and outright assumes that AB266 / SB643 will be in effect? It is unconstitutional and will be brought down in flames.
Anyone in California find it interesting that CCHI isn't garnering any support or attention? Because it benefits no corporate or bureaucratic agenda. It isn't a moneygrab.
Everybody will be happy, because none shall pass. There will be free open market cannabis capitalism, or go away.