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California Democrats passing MJ Law without science

jump /injack

For 10 years the Democrats opposed all legalization of Cannabis, now they can't wait to pass laws against it or anything about it, what is it about Democrats that they just want to ruin any business in California thru taxation [15% proposed]. Once the 7th largest economy in the world, now business leaves if they can to any other state not controlled by Democrats and their socialist allies. Vote them out!

"California: Oppose Bill To Impose Presumptive THC Impairment Standards

Assembly Bill 2740 seeks to "make it an offense for a person who has 5 ng/ml or more of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle." The bill would establish a rebuttable presumption for this offense.

The bill will be heard before the Assembly Committee on Public Safety on Tuesday, April 19.

NORML is opposed to this proposal.

The presence of low levels of THC in blood is an inappropriate and inconsistent indicator of psychomotor impairment. No less than the United States Traffic Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) agrees, stating, "It is difficult to establish a relationship between a person's THC blood or plasma concentration and performance impairing effects. ... It is inadvisable to try and predict effects based on blood THC concentrations alone." It should not be presumed that the detection of THC equates with a strong likelihood psychomotor impairment and such a presumption should not be codified in California's traffic safety statutes. The imposition and enforcement of this measure risks inappropriately convicting unimpaired subjects of traffic safety violations.

Please visit NORML's #TakeAction Center to let your member of the Assembly know that you oppose this unscientific proposal:"


Active member
For 10 years the Democrats opposed all legalization of Cannabis, now they can't wait to pass laws against it or anything about it, what is it about Democrats that they just want to ruin any business in California thru taxation [15% proposed]. Once the 7th largest economy in the world, now business leaves if they can to any other state not controlled by Democrats and their socialist allies. Vote them out!

I'm not endorsing one party over the over (they both suck) but you make it sound as if the Republicans haven't also opposed all legalization of Cannabis and still do to a larger degree.
Democrats support legalization 49 percent to 28 percent (oppose), Republicans oppose, 32 (support) percent to 50 percent;


  • Mjsupport.png
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jump /injack

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"I'm not endorsing one party over the over (they both suck) but you make it sound as if the Republicans haven't also opposed all legalization of Cannabis and still do to a larger degree."[/FONT]

When it comes to a particular type of legislation you have to become proactive, for years nothing was done about the legalization of Cannabis and then the People passed through a referendum [without the Legislature being involved] prop 215. It had no help from either the Republicans or Democrats. The only thing the 'elected' understand is that if they touch some thing that the People were pissed off enough to pass themselves they the profligates in Sacramento had better not touch it or they'll be voted out of office. Its the only thing these cockroaches understand, their survival instincts kick in and they leave well enough alone. Go after the people who have written the proposed laws, make an example of them, let them get honest work and kick them out of office, its the only thing they understand; RETRIBUTION.
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Active member
Pretty pathetic dodge. You biased OP only held one party accountable even though facts say otherwise


New member
I'm not saying it's right, but, I have drivin 100's of thousands of miles over the course of 20+ years. My current car has been hit twice, once by a person that was on prescription "pills", and the second time by a person obviously drunk. I have smoked MJ since I started driving (not that driving had anything to do with it, just the same age/time frame) and I have to admit 90% of the time after smoking. Yeah maybe I shouldn't, there has been on very few occasions where I was maybe slightly less than safe beacause of it, but to say that no one should opperate a motor vehicle after consuming cannabis is stupid. If anything negative has ever came from it, it would be more miles, waste of gas, I made a wrong turn, or forgot where I was going in the first place.
Taxing anything to thhe point of making it less affordable is only opening the door for a "black market". Maybe that's what they want. How can they keep the private "for profit" prisons in business without crime/criminals. They sure do a good job of creating reasons to commit "crimes". Alcohol/dui's/bootleggging, prohibition/smuggling/manufacturing, taxes/tax evation, stocks/investments/insider trading, driving/driving without a license/speeding... anything at all, they always want to control it, and someone somewhere will try to bend the rules to suit them. Even the ones that created the "rule" to begin with.


Active member
been driving and smoking since i started driving. paranoia puts you on edge driving, no accidents, have dodged everything including a couch


if it smells like fish
about half of cali is gonna have to start walking everywhere...cause even riding a bike high is illegal.......yeehaw
Whatever. Ive been pulled over stoned. The cop had no idea. I will drive high every day of my life and not give a fuck about it.

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