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California congressman vapes during Congressional hearing

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
Well, this is a first.
A Transport Committee Congressional hearing was interrupted (enlivened? defiled?) on Thursday when a California congressman decided to make his point by vaping during the meeting.
Duncan Hunter (yes, that's really his name), a Republican from San Diego County, is already on the record as a staunch defender of vaping rights. He came out pro-vape when the FDA proposed new regulations on e-cigarettes in December.
Now, Mr. Hunter is displeased with the Transport Committee's proposed amendment that would ban vaping on planes. Because it's apparently his constitutional right to subject everyone in the skies to his e-cigarette smoke.




"There's nothing burning. There's nothing noxious about it whatsoever," he says at the hearing after blowing a cloud of smoke. "... This is the future."

Pretty sure that Mr. Hunter just convinced all present that vaping should DEFINITELY be banned on planes.
In case you were curious what Mr. Hunter's other causes are, he recently introduced a bill that would require women to also register for the draft.
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Now if he was vaping cannabis, that would be awesome, as opposed to nicotine based e liquid. I like how the lady sitting next to him fans the vape with her hand. That guy is the man yo!


Active member
Well, the steam dissopates, but the nicotine has got to go somewhere right? I actually dont know, I'd like to hear the science on this, I'm old school...

jump /injack

Vape, nicotine?

Vape, nicotine?

Well, the steam dissipates, but the nicotine has got to go somewhere right? I actually dont know, I'd like to hear the science on this, I'm old school...

There is only nicotine if there is tobacco. Tobacco burns at 451F, the temperature of a vaporizer is less than that. Most people are vaporizing at less temperatures so that there is no burning of any products that you might be using. When you vaporize cannabis the temp is about 350F, about 100 degree's less than what it would take to burn tobacco.


New member
“One curious and unintended consequence of the aeroplane ban [on smoking] was that airlines began to save money by changing the air in the cabin less frequently. Traditionally, this was done every two minutes and old air was never recirculated, but with no tobacco smoke to draw attention to the quality of air, the carriers reduced air changes to once every twenty minutes. This led to a musty aroma on board and, according to a report in The Lancet, contributed to the appearance of Deep Vein Thrombosis, a disease unknown in airline passengers until the 1990s.”
that was the first link I found covering something i recalled reading years ago. IDK if true.

However if true I'd rather allow vaping on planes if we can get back to 2 minute air circulation.

and jumping jack, there is most certainly nicotine in ecig oils. it's sold in 3mg, 6mg, and 12mg strenghts.

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