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Calcium? Potassium? Fickle Strain?


Active member
I grow in 3 bag grow bags
Sunshine #4
Flower at 12 inches
Use PureBlend Pro at slightly less than the recommended dosage
Use Cal-Mag at 1/2 strength every other watering
FoxFarm Open Sesame at 1/2 strength at the switch to 12/12
Humidity is appox. 55%
Temp. no higher than 80 no Lower than 60
PH of nute solution 6.2
ppm no higher than 1500 at this point

I have grown this strain years ago and had the exact same problem
Plants are healthy until they go into bloom and at appox. 2 wks. in they start showing signs of caclium that eventually give way to what appears to be potassium def. Starts of as little red dots, that dive way to larger red spots, than to yellowing and burining on the edges and tips. Starts in the middle and works it's way up. It does not happen to all of the plants either, and it is one strain in the entire garden. Tested the ppm and ph of soil from several plants all came back fine (330ppm and ph of 6.5). Here are some photos, thanks everyone.


Active member
Here are the photos, basically in the order that the issue progresses....



Active member
So, as I said, they start out fine, and than this starts creeping in over the course of the last 2 wks. It does not seem to effect the entire garden, although, usually by the end of the cycle they all have some symptoms, others worse than some. Thanks again


Have you got any calmag you can add? Looks like it would help.


Active member
looks like a host of micro defenciencies from boron to calcium to copper. add some micros. i think calmag has some of those in it.


wow that looks/sounds just like my problem. Bevoli, he's been using calmag, and so have i, doesn't prevent it. also, plants that i kept in veg from same batch are not affected... i do notice that the plants which are LESS affected are the ones that don't get as much water/dry out less often, ie in the corners of the room, etc.