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Buying Fox Farm Soil In Canada


Hi all,

I'm just wondering if anyone out there has a source for fox farm soil in Canada (i.e. ships, or is conveniently located near or in Toronto).
Maybe the stuff has been banned, but the three places I used to buy the stuff from no longer carry it. What the hell is going on?
I'm not saying other soil/soil-less mixes don't compare, but I'd still like to know who here can still find the stuff in Canada.

Thanks in advance,


OG Refugee
I wanna say that FF decided not to complete the canadian ag testing for some reason so it's no longer on the list of importable nutes/soils. You might find some if a shop has been ordering it directly from the US, but it's gonna be tough.


Hi MTF...your reasoning makes sense. I used to find the stuff no problem (usually at a high price of course), but now the stuff is missing everywhere.

Steve Green...thanks for the link. I'm quite familiar with bustan. I was just there on Saturday actually :wave: They don't sell fox farm soil, but they do sell marine cuisine as a dry solid fertilizer.

The search continues.