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Butane vs Hot vs Cold in Oil extraction


Butane vs Hot vs Cold in Oil extraction

Why using Butane extraction when you can extract by using ice/cold water or by heating?

Is it a yeild issue, the purity or the ease?

I just start growing and never extracted oil before.

Happy 2005 to everybody
All have benefits and draw backs. I personally find BHO and ISO or Bubble too strong for everyday use. I like to dry sieve and press my hash. The BHO and ISO have safety issues in the prep (you are using flammable substances and different materials may react with the butane or alcohol. Some butane(s) contain sulphur and this is not a good thing) and the Ice Water extraction takes time and effort for the return. For what it's worth Nevilles Haze Bubble Hash is the most potent cannabis extract I have ever smoked but the High started with a panic attack. I guess it all boils down to what you like and to what lengths you will go to in extracting the goodies.


New member
Heya KUT

Top bubble will get you just as good as honey oil will, I like it all for there own uniqueness.


I'm scary movie guy tandem master, I killed him after the pic was taken lol. And I'm back to maximo, ill keep this name though for lurking wink wink.



KUT your avatar looks much better here than OG and I'm smokin the most piney tasting oil right now, you would probably love its taste ummmmmmmmmmmmm.


The heating method I was refering to is the "CANNABUTTER"

The first step in cooking magical cannabis-laced foods is extracting the cannabinoids (THC, CBD, and many many more) from the plant matter, usually in a oil/fat/butter-based solution, since the cannabinoids do not readily dissolve in water. My best FOAF has a method for doing this that he has not seen mention of in this forum. He got it from a little book called _The Art and Science of Cooking with Cannabis_, by Adam Gottlieb, orignally published in 1974. Gottlieb calls the product of the extraction `CANNABUTTER'.
The procedure is actually very simple. He brings a pot of water to a rolling boil, then puts a small amount of butter in the water. Quickly, the butter melts, and mixes in with the water because the whole mixture is at a rolling boil.

Then he puts the grass in and boils it. (Of course, he separates all the seeds first so he can plant them in the nearby park.) Now all the grass is riling around with the water and butter, and get this: The cannabinoids dissolve into the butter, while most of the nasty flavors and gook dissolve into the water. He stirs the stuff regularly. After cooking the grass like this for a while (say, half an hour), his kitchen really smells incriminating. He strains out the spent plant matter, squeezes all the juice out of it, and puts the liquid in the fridge.
A few hours later, the mixture is cool enough that the cannabutter has solidified on the surface. It looks kind of scummy, but its just enchanted butter. He scoops it out and retains it in a bowl or a jar. The grass-nasty water is thrown out.
The cannabutter can be used just like butter, in brownies, on garlic bread, or mixed with honey on your finger!
Although this method takes longer than the usual saute-n-strain method, it has several advantages:

• As explained above, the nasty shit is separated and removed from the fun shit.
• You can make stronger cannabutter than by saute-ing, because you can cook more grass in the same amount of butter, due to the extra volume of the water.
• There is no danger of burning the precious, price-inflated, hard and dangerous to obtain herb, as there is when you saute, because the water keeps the whole mixture at boiling temperature!


What does^this^have to do with your original question? I thought you were asking about honey oil, HASHMASTA is the man to ask if its a honey oil question. Sorry for being a boob to, its the Hoil that makes me do it.

Peace M
Hi mauricio,

Thank's for the info ,

I certainly never heard of this method .Sound's like it could be benifical for medical users who certainly cant risk any sort of chemical residue in their consumption.

Is there any info on the safety of using butane?

I personally extract using tripple refined butane through a steel tube ,into a pyrex bowl.
Then put the pyrex bowl on the hob ,(once all visible butane has boiled off) then pour in warm water and proceed to heat the water until the oil is easy to scrape off.This way im sure gives a quick cure of the resin and help's in dissipating any small bubble's of butane left in the oil.

The resulting resin "budders up" easily by drying and stiring/mixing with a pin ,end's up looking like full melt but retains more of the flavour.


Active member
Maximo, you ol' critter. Blue skies to ya!

Alright folks, here's a recipe you won't regret. I ain't claiming it's the ultimate, but after 50 or so tries, it's by far the best I've found, well beats even second place. However, this is all just my humble opinion with a well medicated mind.

To make the best cannabutter - first make bubble hash, but keep running batches even when it turns somewhat green. We'll filter off the green later by flooding the bowl. Oh never mind, just follow along. ;-) If you're using bubblebags, use the 160 and 45. Throw out whatever is on the 160, the 190 (if you used it - not needed) and the 220. Don't bother with the 25.

Now, here's where it gets odd. When you scrape the material off the 45 screen, put it in a bowl of water. The object is to keep it wet. Now go back and do more runs. Until the yield diminishes significantly or begins to turn green. When you're done you should have a bowl of thin muddy water. Let it settle and slowly fill the bowl to the rim, and after it settles (30 minutes), very gently and carefully so as not to disturb the sediment in the bottom (a good way is to shove a cup slowly into the bowl to displace the water and make the floating sediment flow over the edge of the bowl), let it overflow to seperate the remaining floating sediment. Slowly spoon off the remaining top water. Don't fret - its really worth it. Keep carefully spooning until you have almost reached the level of the sediment. This is *ALL* hash, so don't spoon out any of it.

Set it aside.

Note that not all strains do well at this, but I know that some do very well at it.

On a stove heat about half a crock pot worth of boiling water, then pour it into the crock pot. Put in *European Style* butter (higher fat content, thus can absorb more hash). When the butter is fully melted, add the water/hash from above and simmer in the crock pot for about 3 hours, stirring occasionally.

A friend did this and used the butter in a cookie recipe, and *WOW* - its the first edible, of many tried, that had any effect. Aaannnd, virtually NO cannabis smell or taste, since all the leaf matter and associated essences are removed by ice water processing.

One cavaet (warning) - I did this while heavily medicated, and I apologize in advance for any errurz in my post.


New member
LOL, i thought this was concentrate related.

whaddup kut, max

i think if you have good dank to use and 8 bag's, (not just 7) you can make shish that matches oil, and i would never have said that when using 7 bags. that 90u really duz make a diff.

o'curse, Ralfie also can vape bubble now, which was his main complaint in the past. but with the phedor, bubble is in.

vaping is, i concur with mr kut, best for oil. TiPV or one'a his rigs.



Active member
iAmNotAMouse said:
LOL, i thought this was concentrate related.


i think if you have good dank to use and 8 bag's, (not just 7) you can make shish that matches oil, and i would never have said that when using 7 bags. that 90u really duz make a diff.

Now here I thought hash and butter was a concentrate. ;-)

Yer about to convince me on getting the 90. Sounds like its worth it, and you're not the first person to say that either.

OK, here's a little unpressed 73 I ran a couple of days ago.
