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Butane and making hash?

Does anyone have information on making Butane(hash)... I want to use the butane torch method. I hope it works and I hope someone can help me out. :chin:


Active member
The process is too complex, and too dangerous, to go into here. Use the search function and you'll find the information you seek. Plan on reading for a week or so, to fully understand the process, and its risks, before you venture into it.

On the other hand, once you've mastered it, its simple and easy, and the result can be wonderful. In fact, think I'll have a little BHO right now.


HashMasta-Kut telling :
"i purge my oil a bit different these days, and it always comes out brittle(rocklike but shatterable) hard or very close to.
i do a hot water bath(tap hot) to get rid of the liquid butane(outside), then i take it inside and put it on the stove to keep it hot for about a half hour or a bit more. i turn the element on a couple times, just to maintain the heat of the hot water bath to be very hot( just brought to a boil).it seems about ten minutes per gram of extract is enough time. i put a lid on top of the oil dish to make it warm like a little oven in there, to make the top surface of the oil much softer and more easily evaporating the solvent traces out. also, i take my handheld butane torch to gently raze/pop any bubbles and pools of oil from above a couple times. only flaming bubbles are butane. you can cook bubbles out for hours really, but you dont want to and actually those bubbles arent butane when removed at this stage, but actually thc volatiles gassing out of the hot oil mix."

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