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Building an Inexpensive Poultry Incubator



Hey ya'll.....

...today we are building an incubator. I've wanted one for a long time, I have RIR chickens and they don't sit on their eggs. And I want some chicks! Of course there are other forums I could share with, but the IC family is the best.

Through my limited research, I see I can get a quality incubator for around $130.

Well, I think we can achieve the same result with a little work and less money.

My plan is to build out of a styrofoam cooler. Still air design.

Items needed:

Styrofoam cooler
Picture frame (for the glass) to make a window
25w incandescent light bulb
Duct tape
Bottle lamp kit
Xacto knife
Hardware cloth
Hot water heater thermostat
Tiny glass jars with lids (will fill with water and use as a heat sink)

Off to the store, will get back with prices and pictures.