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Building a Larger Hash Press – Instructions


Active member
So, I've been holding this thread for a week now hoping my photo upload problem would get ironed out, but it hasn't. Maybe someone here can help. I can't get any new photos uploaded to my directory. I get the screen to select files, then it goes straight to the message "No more images found." Anyway, here's what I have (short of the really fun pics)...

Well, this year’s tumbler runs are turning out quite good and I felt it was time to build myself a proper hash press. Last year’s wood splitter hash went reasonably well, but I don’t have access to that splitter this year, so, after searching the ‘net for while, I sent out the call to fellow IC’ers and Fonda Trichs stepped up with just the info I needed. Thanks! On with the build...

First off, I went out and purchased the bottle jack I needed. Fonda Trichs had mentioned that a 2-ton jack didn’t work, so I went with the 6-ton. $22.99 +tax at Orchard Supply Hardware got me a nice Craftsman model with a 1-year warranty. I purchased the jack first so I could measure it’s footprint and ensure the frame I made would accommodate it.

Next in the parts list were the two pieces of channel steel. Fonda Trich’s material list mentioned the top and bottom were different widths, but I really didn’t see a good reason why, so I went with two 4 inch wide pieces cut 12 inches long. Both pieces with tax came to $8.11 at my local steel supply house. I should have also had them drill the holes there, but more on that later.

Next up I headed to the Home Despot (Christmas gift cards are great, huh?) and picked up a 36” long ¾ inch thick threaded rod. My intention is to cut it in half and have a little extra at the top to accommodate larger molds and/or metal plates. That piece and eight ¾” washer/ nut combos cost me $15.83. I also bought a ¾” drill bit to the tune of $19.94. I thought that since I have an upright drill press I could simply drill the holes at home and avoid any suspicion at the steel shop. What a mistake. Easily the hardest part of this whole frame build was drilling these holes! After calling a really nice machine shop owner, I got a couple tips that made the job much smoother *. He also told me it would have cost me about $10 to have him drill them – half the cost of the bit I had to buy! With all materials in hand, I began work.

I went ahead and marked where I wanted the rods to come through the channel steel...

...and drilled my pilot holes.

I then set up the ¾” bit on the press and drilled out the bigger holes.

Once I got the ¾” holes drilled, I ran the edges of the channel steel over the grinder so they would have a bevel that wouldn’t scratch or cut.

After using a wire brush wheel to scrape off any rust, I have all the pieces ready for assembly. I plan to paint this frame after I dry fit everything, so removing the rust is critical. I thought I had metal primer paint up here at the house, but I didn’t, so the final cosmetics will have to wait till I go to town again. However, the paint isn’t going to affect the performance so assembly was next.

Not shown in the above picture are the two metal plates I plan on pressing between. When I was talking to a friend about cellophanes and plastics I could use to line the mold, he reacted strongly to the idea of heat and plastic coming into contact with a smokable product. Since this is all going to med patients, I took this reaction to heart and plan on using cloth bags again this year. (NOTE - I've since headed back to the metal shop and purchased the materials for a mold. Total cost for metal was less than $15. If I can get photos uploaded, I'll put up how I made these suitable for pressing.)

Here is an empty bag waiting to be filled...

...and with ~30 grams packed into it and tied off with strong, nylon thread.

I preheated these plates in the oven at 175° F before pressing.

And the final product...

Total cost for the press came in at just under $67. Had I had someone else drill the holes, I could have actually saved a few bucks more. Improvements to this design will be bolting it down and some sort of spring mechanism to lift the jack similar to this press:

(Photo courtesy of The Great Books of Hashish, Vol. 1: Book 1 by Cherniak)
Thanks to all who helped with ideas/ materials and look for my next project – a new hash tumbler with instructions and sources for all the parts. It would be easy enough for a third grader to build his or her own tumbler for under $100.

Until then – happy tumbling and pressing to all!

- Butte


* SIDEBAR: How to drill big holes in thick steel
First off, make sure you’ve set up your press to run as slow as possible 2-300 rpm with a ¾” bit is plenty. Next up, drill a pilot hole approx. 1/3 the diameter of your finished hole. After spraying a little oil/ lubricant, slowly drop your big bit into your pilot hole and allow it to nibble away at the hole. Small chips coming out of the hole are a good sign. You should be able to drill all the way through fairly quickly once these things are done. I had to re-tip the bit several times before going slow with oil, so you may want to have a bench grinder handy as well.
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Hell yeah, wonderful tutorial Butte! I've been looking for something similar.



very kewl thank you ;-)

very kewl thank you ;-)

Very kewl I was looking earlier for something like this ,
must be on the collective thought plane ,
anyways kewl ilife thanks for the press instructions.

Hey Cheif
can Master use Mylar in this u think,
Master has used it the past (mylar)
when frying Hashish or making Batbeaten hash method



Slap-A-Ho tribe
Here is my homemade job. I highly donot recommend painting any surface you put the mold or jack on like i did, Scratches way too easy jyi.

Never tried mylar but i would think it would be a bit stiff to work in a mold like the one in the pic. If you just put your kief in the mylar and close it up like a package and press it, i don't see why that wouldn't work.


Active member
I'm liking the box steel. Thanks for the tip on the cheese cellophane; I’ve got some ordered now. Also on the painting, but, I did it this morning! I’ve got a spring loaded lift-plate, though, so I’m hoping it holds up for at least a little while.

Did you make your mold? I started today and got the outer piece nice and smooth but the inserts were cut from strap steel and not so smoothly. Any tips would be appreciated or I may just bag it (pun intended).

Anybody know who to contact about my picture upload problem?

- Butte
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High Class Grass
I stated this in the thread you are talkin about Butte. Frying bags are also ideal, and are used in Morocco for pressing hash. Its used for cooking food in, so im sure they are ok to press hash in healthwise too. Just fill it up with the amount of resin that suits you, and seal with adhesive tape...doesnt the hash stick to the cloth??

Stay Safe


Active member
100 gram Pressing Mold

100 gram Pressing Mold

Here is a 100 gram pressing mold. This one I bought then I had a metal working friend make some copies.
Works great!!!



Active member
GDK said:
I stated this in the thread you are talkin about Butte. Frying bags are also ideal, and are used in Morocco for pressing hash. Its used for cooking food in, so im sure they are ok to press hash in healthwise too. Just fill it up with the amount of resin that suits you, and seal with adhesive tape...doesnt the hash stick to the cloth??

Stay Safe

Yeah GDK, I want to try several methods to see which I like best. I've been trying to figure out how to cram enough kif into a 'bag' to make the final package weigh 100 grams. So far all I've been able to press is ~1 oz at a time. Do you have any pictures that may help me understand how to construct a bag that won't split or leak? The other thing I though the mold would be good for is holding the bags together so they could take more pressure...


Slap-A-Ho tribe
My mold looks identical to ilife's except my pressing plates were made out of 1/2" thick aluminum flat stock. I think my mold is 2"x4" x 1.5" tall. Basically if you want a 1/2"thick hash brick you add the thicknesses of both your plates, add 1/2" and that's the height the mold needs to be. Hard to believe i think pollinator was selling those molds for $100+ and it's less than $10 in materials.

Ps. yes i made my mold back when i had access to a milling machine, took about 10 min to make it.


High Class Grass
Hey again Butte...I have no pics, but I can try to explain.
First u take the frying bag and fill it with the 100g kif u want. The u cut off the excess plastic from the top of the bag, leaving enough to fold one or two times. Then lay the bag on the side and move the kif around to make sure its dispersed into the corners of the bag too...dont want too much air and space in the bag. Then u just fold TIGHTLY to make the shape of the slab of hash u want. Seal it with adhesive tape(u can be generous with the tape since its only there to make sure the bag stays folded and wont bust open) Press, and enjoy... I know this might not be the best explanation, but i hope u know what i mean now...its real easy actually. Its like other cellofane methods ive seen, but only bigger and with better material. Come to think of it...its just like ive seen ppl do with the cellofane from cigarette packs....dump in kif...fold and seal..you are doin the same, but with a bigger bag..

Stay Safe


Active member
Thanks for all the tips. I've pressed out a several ounces and do like the cellophane-fold method. In fact, I set aside the molds to work on another time. It's nice to get that shiny coating on a slab :)

I still can't get images uploaded, though. Anyone!?! It's definitely on my machine as I registered another user name and can't upload to that account either...


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Hmmm, what is the problem with the upload?

you click upload images, browse, select where the image is. You click uplaod and it goes to a page that says no more images found?


Active member
Yep. I just went over to a buddies place and uploaded just fine, so I believe it is something with my machine. So far I've reset all the default browser settings, installed IE7, ran spybot and adaware, reconfigured my firewall...I think that's about it.

I've got a couple more ideas, but all are welcome...
OK, so I've now tried disabling my firewall, resetting all my explorer options to the defaults, disabling my antivirus, and, finally, I'm now typing this on firefox!

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Active member
Well, I finally got a couple uploaded only to have it go out on me again. Anyway, here's the finished press and a couple one ounce slabs...

- Butte


Killer press. Really like the setup. I might build one of these down the road. Great job and thanks for sharing.
Take care,