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building a large stainless bho tube


Well-known member
one problem with a large bho tube is getting enought butane through the cannabis to get out all the goodies. hashoil is not infinately soluble in butane, so even if you get a good flow of liquid butane, you need to use enough to get the job done all at once.

one way is to use a can cracker. these are available at automotive supplies for cracking refrigerant cans. the fittings are 1/4" flair, and the tubing is for refrigerant and is solvent tolerant. the puncture size is pretty big and allows more rapid flow then just hitting the actuator. Plus you can clamp one can in and use both of your hands to position the thing over a dish or teflon bag.

This is one way to make a larger capacity, stainless steel, tube for th "blow through" method of bho making.

You get a stainless steel ADA compatible handle that has the stainless mounting ring welded on. They come in different lengths and diameters, the longest commonly available at Home Depot is 48". Clean it out, then fashion "hatches" that will bolt onto the ends. I used 1/8" neoprene rubber to make the gasket, the whole deal took one trip to the hardware store, some silver sloder, a mapp gas torch, some neoprene, and then the refrigerant valves and hoses, that I had. The can tapper is available from auto parts stores.

Nearly 2 ounces fit in this 18" tube, so thats about 6 ounces in the 48" handle.

Hope this gives some ideas for bigger tubes. Also, I can see making two of these, one very long, big diameter one filled with active charcoal, and possibly running "dirty" LPG through it, this will take out all of the mercaptan smell and make it pass the mirror test as well or better than Vector does, then into the other one to extract larger amounts.



Active member
Is it just me or does that can tapper look dangerous?? :D
Looks like a killer setup though....
Also thats a good way to stay back from the action a bit...
So you use the long line to maintain pressure while your switchin bottles to puncture??
Any particular reason you use ball valves?? Keep it all in to soak for a few seconds?
Great post, if i ever get enough spare weed to fill a tube that big, believe me i'll be doin it.... :D
Come to think of it my buddy has a bunch of trim... :chin:
Thx foaf :yes: