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Building a greenhouse in brazil.. need help!!


New member
What do you guys think about growing weed in a greenhouse in brazil? Here in brazil nobody does it.... but i wanna try growing in greehouses, because i think a greenhouse is a lot safer than just growing outside in my garden.... i been growing weed outsides for the last 3 years but i just dont feel safe as a lot of growers are getting arrested here frequently....

So I am thinking about a 2 meters tall green house with light complementation (800watts HPS)... We are in winter in brazil, so we have only 11 hours of light per day.... thats the reason for the light complementation....no need to worry about low temperatures as we hardly have temperatures lower than 50 F. here... So what do you guys think? Im sorry about my english... I am still learning it...



Think about the attention it will draw. Before, you had plants that naturally camouflaged themselves. Putting a plastic covering over them announces to anyone who see, that plants are being grown there. That doesn't say what KIND of plants, but there is that to consider. And then a light? I have mine come on in the early morning, after 3 am, but that is in order to make them vegetate. Are you trying to flower and adding light in the winter because the sun is too low to provide adequate light?

Your English is perfect, by the way.


Greetings Palmeiras... tudo bom rapaz? can't help you with the greenhouse but I saw your name on here and i had to greet you cause i love futebol!

estou meia brasileiro e minha familia é carioca por isso minha equipa é Flamengo :)

sorry my portuguese is not very good cause i grew up in america but since you are a palmeiras supporter i hope Keirrison does well for barcelona! and we will win the world cup next year!

good luck with your greenhouse


I say why not do both, greenhouse is going to add security and ability to grow all year round, but when the main growing season hits you could plant some outside for bigger yields.

Never grown in a greenhouse, but i definatley dont think people are going to be like "He is growing marijuana because of a greenhouse" Just plant some flowers around the outside of the greenhouse like roses and such and it will just look like you are a regular gardner.


New member
my friend live on the equator 15N.. he built a work shed with 9 ft cement walls with fiberglass roof.... line the inside wall with insulated reflective foil... it works just fine with 2 fans.... they veg in another area and when its ready they take it out to the shed...



e ai.....

have u build the GH mate ?? hope everything is allright

post some pics if you feel in the mood
paz e luz


Top tip use polycarbinate plastic roofing if you can get your hands on it. Clear on the top and white or opaque for the sides for privacy. However where I live a green house draws a bit of attention. Make it look like a shed use metal roofing on sides that dont get much sun,use clear or opaque on the side that faces the sun generally south (but I would say between west and south east}. Something like a prefabricated metal building people use for storage in the back yard WITH A CLEAR ROOF.If privacy is an issue try to pitch the roof towards the south and use the white roofing on all sides.. I love my green house.