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Bringing a Mother Indoors?


I have some beautiful TrainWreck growing outdoors in 5 ~10 gal pots. I'd like to bring one of the girls indoors and reveg her as a mother plant, so that I don't lose the strain for next year's grow. I plan to plant the TW clones in the ground in mid April and seeing how big these ladies can get. Has anyone done this before? What size light should I look at buying for one little ladies to veg during the winter months? I can't afford to run at big light grow, as I'm medical and poor. Any ideas and comments welcomed.
Thanks for the help, Kathy


The Tri Guy
Hi, to be honest if you are comfortable with clones, then just take one from your outside plant and reveg it indoors, that clone will soon become your mother plant that you can take your next lot of clones from.


Active member
GMT has the right idea. Why sacrifice a beautiful plant when you can just snip some clones. Might want to cut a couple to make sure you don't mess up and end up with 0.


The TW is already deep into the flowering process. Can I take clones at this late stage? Also with the heat of August, I lost all my earlier clones when the temp went over 100. Sorry for all the questions. This is my first outdoor grow, after 7 years of indoor fun. So I might have missed my opportunity.
Peace, Kathy


The Tri Guy
nah you can take cuts at any stage, it just takes longer for them to start vegging properly thats all. But as lax said, take a few as some wont take. Get yourself a low wattage cfl, I use 15w per 2 cuts.