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Breeder Steve...Breeding The Spice Of Life

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
You asked and now will recieve....

I love the opening pic of Blueberry in this one...Of course you all know how much I favor Blueberry!!Silly me...

Take care all............................CC

Oh yea,enjoy!

Hey...nice one :yes:....I have this issue

It's either the one with the chick on the cover or the one with tony alva....can't quite remeber..

I thought that was a moonshine strain though???hmmmm...maybe my memory is failing

Oh no..I think one of the hashes is called moonshine rocket fuel or something...a nevermind I'll just look at the damn pictures lol
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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
It's High Times.....
They do have a few good articles from time to time...They have gone through different phases through the years,some good some bad....Some good stuff to be found nonetheless...

Trichomus,it's the issue with Skateboader Jen O'brien......


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
hi Capt. Crip,
I have th article in spanish...same beautiful pics.I used to keep several aquaria years ago,I was breeding discusfish small scale,and made huge water changes very often.Of course,I watered with it my plants,and believe me.
the taste and the way the herb burned were incredible.In fact,I´m thinking on keeping cichlids again :D


Active member
mmmm, blue satellite #1 was the first known genetics I ever grew, and probably my favorite still...nothing I've grown since then has tasted as good or gotten me as giggly and silly as BS#1.

good to see steve getting some glamour shots in high times

Capt. Crip said:
It's High Times.....
They do have a few good articles from time to time...They have gone through different phases through the years,some good some bad....Some good stuff to be found nonetheless...

Trichomus,it's the issue with Skateboader Jen O'brien......

AHA! I knew it, bro. See...my memory ain't so shitty after all :D

Hey Capt. what do you think about guppy-ponics? I rather like it. But it would have to be tweaked a bit to be able to produce ferts for veg and different ferts for flower through the foods given to the fish.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
For something like that I would like to be able to get a general idea of what was in the water as far as ferts are concerned...I realize it would be nearly impossible to burn plants but as you see in the pics there were major defeciencies in potassium...Or there was a major nutrient lockout at one point during the grow...It seems the plant are good and green in the final stages but there had been some major damage done at 1 point during flower as is evident on the second to last page......

So I would prefer some testing equipment to determine what is coming out of the guppy water....As far as nutes are concerned....
As an additive it would probably work wonderful!


hi cript, the pics in the high times article are of the original flo that dj gifted to steve. only 2 seeds germed out of 50 but as they were 20 years old he did quite well. steve then named it the blueberry sativa.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Yea,thats right Jingles....They just called it the Blueberry sativa.....
Thanks for straightening us out brother...

Taker care.................................CC

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
I have 1 more breeder steve article somewhere......At least I think I do...... :pointlaug


Yes it's the original Blue Sat-ttelite! That pic is on the cover of DJ's book as well.

Thanks for posting that article. Breeder Steve and DJ are my favorite Breeders.

Got Blockhead, Sweet tooth 1.1 and Blueberry going right now!


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
^That goes against what DG reported not too long ago, right before the introduction of SOL seeds to Seedbay. :confused:

mosca negra

I'm sure Red could clear this up for everyone. Red, you out there my brother?


Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Seedbay has been selling Steve's new varieties...
Maybe it's the Boutique that does not carry them...Theres even a Spice Of Life section at Seedbay...
I'm damn glad to see it too...
Take care......................................CC