Hey all
Just thought I'd post to see if anyone is taking a break from toking and how they are feeling as a result of it.
Personally, I've never felt better. Haven't hit the vape in a week and I've abstained from cannabutter usage.
It wasn't even that hard really. And I can feel my head getting clearer. My energy is also coming back. I started running again and pumpin' iron again.
Getting fucked up all the time reaaalllllly makes me lazy....
It's actually kinda nice to be sober for a bit. I'd like to see how long I can keep it up.
So anyone else taking a break right now? By choice? Or because you can find herb? r because you ran out and harvest is soon? How do you feel? How long has it been? How long has it been since the last break?
I think the last time I've taken a week break was in June of LAST YEAR!
Just thought I'd post to see if anyone is taking a break from toking and how they are feeling as a result of it.
Personally, I've never felt better. Haven't hit the vape in a week and I've abstained from cannabutter usage.
It wasn't even that hard really. And I can feel my head getting clearer. My energy is also coming back. I started running again and pumpin' iron again.
Getting fucked up all the time reaaalllllly makes me lazy....
It's actually kinda nice to be sober for a bit. I'd like to see how long I can keep it up.
So anyone else taking a break right now? By choice? Or because you can find herb? r because you ran out and harvest is soon? How do you feel? How long has it been? How long has it been since the last break?
I think the last time I've taken a week break was in June of LAST YEAR!