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Brassinosteroid functions in a broad range of disease resistance


Im dealing with a virus, maybe TMV. Looked around and i found something interessting:
Brassinolide (BL), considered to be the most important brassinosteroid (BR) and playing pivotal roles in the hormonal regulation of plant growth and development, was found to induce disease resistance in plants. To study the potentialities of BL activity on stress responding systems, we analyzed its ability to induce disease resistance in tobacco and rice plants. Wild-type tobacco treated with BL exhibited enhanced resistance to the viral pathogen tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pst), and the fungal pathogen Oidium sp. The measurement of salicylic acid (SA) in wild-type plants treated with BL and the pathogen infection assays using NahG transgenic plants indicate that BL-induced resistance does not require SA biosynthesis. BL treatment did not induce either acidic or basic pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression, suggesting that BL-induced resistance is distinct from systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and wound-inducible disease resistance. Analysis using brassinazole 2001, a specific inhibitor for BR biosynthesis, and the measurement of BRs in TMV-infected tobacco leaves indicate that steroid hormone-mediated disease resistance (BDR) plays part in defense response in tobacco. Simultaneous activation of SAR and BDR by SAR inducers and BL, respectively, exhibited additive protective effects against TMV and Pst, indicating that there is no cross-talk between SAR- and BDR-signaling pathway downstream of BL. In addition to the enhanced resistance to a broad range of diseases in tobacco, BL induced resistance in rice to rice blast and bacterial blight diseases caused by Magnaporthe grisea and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, respectively. Our data suggest that BDR functions in the innate immunity system of higher plants including dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous species.

the interessting part is that Bras dont use the salyclyic acid pathways, but does induce sar.

So i made a spray:
100ppm Salycylic Acid
50ppm Thiamine(B1)
0.01ppm Bras.

lets see what happens.


Active member
Omera you are on fire!!!!

Yes I also believe this is true of Brass.
I have been looking into Brass./SAR response for my SAR thread.
Its mode of action is very unusual.

Mix looks good!!!
If you want to mix it up a little?
Try harpin protein Especially for TMV!
I read somewhere a guy used it , yet he still had the virus but the plant showed no signs of having a virus.
You can get it in a tub but I think freshness is ultra important with this stuff!

Chitosan works also...But I believe you already know that.


thanks for your input!
i have some chitosan here, if my present spray did not help i will use it.
i stay away from that proteins. read somewhere here that it is a no-no. cant really remember. maybe i have to learn more about this harpin proteins.

i planed on spraying my new tria mix, and now this. have to use SA in veg which makes me unable to use the tria at this time -.- so its a good thing that i can use the bras to fight the virus. maybe i can get a little effect thats a bit similar to tria


Active member
what i can say from now, the spray is the shit.
looks like the turbo mode turned on :)

Good morning Omera!:tiphat:

So are you confirming the benefits of your Brass mix spray on Disease resistance?

Or are you stating your new spray has a turbo effect on growth?
Or is it in fact doing both?
Either way this is fantastic news!


first thing i noticed is turbo growth. the growth from the infectet plant was very slow compared to the others. i saw noticeable strong growth 1-2 days after application. the others do the same. very effective in enhancing growth rate, thats for sure. let us wait a few days to see what happens to the virus (i have to say that im not 100% sure its a virus). i think i have to wait for 100% new developed leaves to tell for sure if there is a benefit from the spray
I've been delving into the world of plant hormones and plant growth stimulants & have been enjoying reading your guys posts and others on ICMAG.
I have been seeing some great results after using Brassinolide 0.1% except instead of using the recommended 0.1 PPM by mistake I used 100 PPM with so far favorable results like Omera1 puts it it "first thing I noticed is turbo growth" that about sums it up.

My only worry at this stage is that there will be some bad effects later into flowering, ie' mutations, it was applied only a few days ago so we will see.

Does anyone know of any evidence that suggests or shows that large applications of Brassinolide has a detrimental effect on plant growth?

Happy Growing.


Active member
Not positive but I think you will experience a big stretch.
Maybe try a little cytokinin to counteract/balance the brass.

Now this is a flyin by the seat of my pants guess but try 100 PPM BAP spray.

I noticed toxicity in the big leaves but cannot be sure it was BRASS. as I sprayed a few other things also!


oh fuck....100ppm is dam fucking high! i used 0.01ppm and there was for sure a stretch, not dramatic but too much imo. i think i will use 0.005 or even lower ppms next time. yeah try bap, lets hope the 100ppms are enough. i think its not enough, but better try lower ppms first. god luck man

i totally forgot that: after a while i can say fore sure my spray from the first post is a killer combo against TMV. never saw the virus again, completly gone and the infected-dwarf plant is now the big boy in the house. and that only after one single application. absolutly amazing. but again i think 0.005ppm will do the job also and reduce the stretch a bit.


Active member
omera knows his stuff!!!!:)
I agree!!!
But I did not want to panic the guy .
Too late!!!!:comfort:
But remember omera the amount is strain dependent!!
Stretchy strains need less.


Oh on the contrary Shaggy it seems to be ok, thanks for caring tho, I know Omera1 I went way! overboard, hey Shaggy funnily enough I took a preemptive strike and used 100 ppm of 6-BAP & seemed to induce 1 week head start on bud set which is great & cut down the stretch a tad, using 100 ppm iv'e heard helps with bud mass & iv'e also read somewhere that 1000 ppm will stop all stretch "hormonal pruning" I believe the guy called it.
Has anyone had success with smaller ppm's of 6-BAP to stop the stretching say 500 ppm, I just ask this because there was more hearsay on Cannabis being more sensitive to 6-BAP.
So far iv'e noticed one curled leaf that's it, so clear sailing ahead so far let's keep our fingers crossed. :biggrin:


The one & only mutation is on my Bodhi Seeds Lucky Charms.

Thew rest of the pictures is to show the healthiness of my garden since incorporating PGS's and plant hormones. I love them! & it's pages like this that got me into them so I greatly appreciate it.

But remember omera the amount is strain dependent!!
Stretchy strains need less.

Seems legit since my Killa-Watt from Seedism is known to stretch & sure enough it has stretched the most but im not sure if this is considered normal stretch for this strain since it's my first time trying out Killa-Watt, just a bit of observational data, i'll keep a keen eye out.
another note my shortest bushy Scott's OG doesn't look like it has stretched more than usual, nothing out of character except for very healthy plants. So i'm not sure what to make of it just yet more experimenting is needed. :dance013:



Active member
Oh on the contrary Shaggy it seems to be ok, thanks for caring tho, I know Omera1 I went way! overboard, hey Shaggy funnily enough I took a preemptive strike and used 100 ppm of 6-BAP & seemed to induce 1 week head start on bud set which is great & cut down the stretch a tad, using 100 ppm iv'e heard helps with bud mass & iv'e also read somewhere that 1000 ppm will stop all stretch "hormonal pruning" I believe the guy called it.
Has anyone had success with smaller ppm's of 6-BAP to stop the stretching say 500 ppm, I just ask this because there was more hearsay on Cannabis being more sensitive to 6-BAP.
So far iv'e noticed one curled leaf that's it, so clear sailing ahead so far let's keep our fingers crossed. :biggrin:

The one & only mutation is on my Bodhi Seeds Lucky Charms.

Thew rest of the pictures is to show the healthiness of my garden since incorporating PGS's and plant hormones. I love them! & it's pages like this that got me into them so I greatly appreciate it.

When did you apply the BRASS???
What week?
How long after that did you apply the BAP??
Where their any other additives involved VIA root or previous sprays??
Hey there.

My plants were started on the 23rd of Oct
I applied the Brassinolide on the 14th Feb then the 6-BAP along with fulvic acid & I tried a new substance called Atonik, this was all applied 2 weeks later on the 28th it is now the 4th of March & bud set has increased in vigor compared to previous years.

Here is a link to where I bought the Atonik as it has some more info:

It should be noted that i used Kelpak a product that is known for a high ratio of Auxin the species for that is Ecklonia Maxima for veg to increase the chance of female plants & to increase root mass then once flowering started I switched it up to a high Cytokinin kelp product the species Ascophyllum Nodosum. Also a product called Harpin Alpha Beta Protein HALO was used on Jan 24th to increase size since I mainlined my babies and wanted an extra push of growth to compensate for the loss of height due to the aforementioned technique.

I don't know if this will make it easier but i have a rough note pad document i keep that has help me to gather info, there is undoubtedly some info that is wrong ppm ratios conversions that aren't all there lol, also I haven't gotten around to using the Chitosan Oligosaccharide, GA-3 witch i don't think i'll use since every report that iv'e read seems to indicate that it needs to be used in such micro amounts that I don't have to tools to dose out something that small like a micro pipette.
Here it is.
Kelpak Auxin (IAA): 1st January then every 14 days until flower. Switch to Nutri-Kelp Powder - Ascophyllum nodosum Cytokinin until 2 weeks before harvest.

Triacontanol: Use as foliar spray at 0.125ml per 1.5 liter's of water every 6th day in veg & every 3rd day in flower until harvest, safe on food crops until harvest.

6th of January then every 14 days for plant hormones.

(Semi-Synthetic Cytokinin) Kinetin (6-Furfurylaminopurine): Active in the 1-10 PPM 0.8 PPM kinetin range. Best suited to be used on seedlings & younger plants during the first month of vegetative growth, where 6-Benzylaminopurine is better suited for applications during later stages of growth and flowering / fruiting.
May interfere with femaleness in diecious plants?

Kelpak Auxin (IAA): 6th January then every 14 days until flower. Switch to Nutri-Kelp Powder - Ascophyllum nodosum Cytokinin until 2 weeks before harvest.

Brassinolide (BL): use in veg only. add 0.2 grams to 2 litre's of water, achieving a .03 ppm solution. Spray every 3 weeks until flowering starts.
Works with Auxin (IAA).

Harpin Alpha Beta Protein (Halo): Mix HALO in water at a dilution rate of 10ml per liter of tap water and apply with a sprayer. A HALO 2.5g soluble sachet will give maximum benefit when mixed with 500 ml of water. Mixed in 1 liter of water it will be less concentrated but still offer great results. In general apply at the start of flower & every 2 weeks through flower and once during the last week. Apply twice in veg in dilute amounts.
Harpin protein stimulates Jasmonic acid. Activates SAR (systemic acquired resistance) in plants. Edible crops can be sprayed right up to the day of harvest.
Synergism with Chitosan & (Salicylic Acid, Not needed).

Chitosan Oligosaccharide: used as foliar spray at 100 ppm in flower from week 2 through to week 4.
1 Gram goes very far, 3 years potentially, use in homeopathic doses.
Like Methyl Jasmonate but weaker in producing SAR effect & less terpene stimulation.

(Synthetic Cytokinin) 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP): Used as a foliar Spray. 0.1g-0.3g to 1 litre of water to achieve 100-300 PPM. Use at week 2 to end of week 4 of flowering along side Nutri-Kelp Powder - Ascophyllum nodosum Cytokinin.
6-BAP will stop all natural upward growth & concentrate on flowering when used in doses of 300 PPM or greater. Use 150 PPM until the end of week 4 to avoid loss of upward growth, at the end of week 4 use 300 PPM to fully utilize 6-BAP.
Can be used with Methyl Jasmonate (MeJa)

Methyl Jasmonate (MeJa): 6th week to 8th week (depending on strain) of flower after all bud has formed, as to not lose any bud mass. Apply MeJa potentially three weeks before harvest.
1mg per litre = 5 ug / PPM? concentration. Mix 1mg with ethanol before adding it to water.
Requires refrigeration.
Dipping seeds in jasmonic acid will kick-start a plant's natural defenses against pests.
Will increase smell of plants.

Gibberellin (GA-3: Use Gibberellin with Methyl Jasmonate 6th week to 8th week (depending on strain) of flower after all bud has formed, as to not cause any stretch before harvest. Apply MeJa/GA-3 potentially three weeks before harvest.
Gibberellin PPM Guide.
How much to apply? with MeJa........?.........?.......
PPM 50 - GA mg 125 Water 2400ml Purpose = early flower
PPM 200 - GA mg 125 Water 600ml Purpose = early flower
PPM 800 - GA mg 125 Water 160ml Purpose = blossom set
PPM 2000 - GA mg 125 Water 60ml Purpose = Seed germ
1%paste - GA mg 125 Water 5ml Purpose = growth promoter

Gibberellin and jasmonic acid together will have a synergistic effect on both trichome number and density, Jasmonic acid is also responsible for increasing THC within the trichome.
GA-3 increases the size of the trichome/resin glands allowing MeJe to increases THC & terpenes within them.

Sodium Nitrophenolate (Atonik) : Apply at 6 day intervals from early veg till 6th to 9th week of flowering (depending on strain) Use 3-10 ppm, equivalent to the amount of 0.2-0.4 grams per mu.
like Triacontanol.
Instead of signaling direct tissue growth effects as with more common PGS’s (Plant growth stimulants) ie. Triacontanol, nitro’s stimulate the production of important plant chemical antioxidants.
Nitro’s are fertilizer synergists, that can increase the absorption of the nutrients while balancing any antagonism between fertilizers. Feed through the root system to stimulates root growth. Atonik is water soluble.
(1000 ppm Atonik?)

Brassinolide (BL) & 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) For Vegetative Growth.

.01 ppm Brassinolide and 50 ppm 6-BAP showed healthy rapid growth in comparison to untreated plants Brassinolide .01 ppm on its own had no noticeable effects same with 50 ppm 6-BAP. A concentration of .1 ppm Brassinolide caused the leaves to curl and growth to slow in comparison to the control. 500 ppm 6-BAP caused extreme mutation of the leaves and a complete halt in upward growth resulting in a small bush like thing with more leaves then I can count. 100 ppm 6-BAP caused a perfect topping effect at every node of the plant without slowing upward growth noticeable resulting in a tall bushy plant, pretty much an instant mother for taking more clones off of.
Foliar feed young plants in there first month with .01 ppm Brassinolide and 50 ppm 6-BAP; combined for some incredible growth.

Another big bonus. If you spray MJ with 300 ppm of Brassinolide at the end of the 4th week to 7th week (depending on strain) of flowering; there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinolide in veg, the end result is outstanding in terms of quality and yield.

..The plant can achieve what it could of done in a shorter amount of time.


1. Buy Methyl Jasmonate


1. 18th of April to the 2nd of May pull Scott's OG
2. 9th of May to the 16th of May pull Killa-Watt's
3. 16th of May to the 23rd of May pull Lucky Charms

Sorry Omer1 for the mass post & potentially dragging the topic of subject, it might be useful to someone someday :dunno: :)

Back to BRASS, since iv'e already given my plants a mega mega dose of 100 ppm, do you think it would be wise to apply it potentially at week 4 of flower when you get that infamous well of bud growth,
what do you think guys?


Active member
I would try the BRASS/BAP combo......

It should bulk them up.

Keep in touch you are on the cutting edge!!!!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work!!
:smoke out:


Active member
Hey there.

Here it is.
Kelpak Auxin (IAA): 1st January then every 14 days until flower. Switch to Nutri-Kelp Powder - Ascophyllum nodosum Cytokinin until 2 weeks before harvest.

Triacontanol: Use as foliar spray at 0.125ml per 1.5 liter's of water every 6th day in veg & every 3rd day in flower until harvest, safe on food crops until harvest.

6th of January then every 14 days for plant hormones.

(Semi-Synthetic Cytokinin) Kinetin (6-Furfurylaminopurine): Active in the 1-10 PPM 0.8 PPM kinetin range. Best suited to be used on seedlings & younger plants during the first month of vegetative growth, where 6-Benzylaminopurine is better suited for applications during later stages of growth and flowering / fruiting.
May interfere with femaleness in diecious plants?

Kelpak Auxin (IAA): 6th January then every 14 days until flower. Switch to Nutri-Kelp Powder - Ascophyllum nodosum Cytokinin until 2 weeks before harvest.

Brassinolide (BL): use in veg only. add 0.2 grams to 2 litre's of water, achieving a .03 ppm solution. Spray every 3 weeks until flowering starts.
Works with Auxin (IAA).

Harpin Alpha Beta Protein (Halo): Mix HALO in water at a dilution rate of 10ml per liter of tap water and apply with a sprayer. A HALO 2.5g soluble sachet will give maximum benefit when mixed with 500 ml of water. Mixed in 1 liter of water it will be less concentrated but still offer great results. In general apply at the start of flower & every 2 weeks through flower and once during the last week. Apply twice in veg in dilute amounts.
Harpin protein stimulates Jasmonic acid. Activates SAR (systemic acquired resistance) in plants. Edible crops can be sprayed right up to the day of harvest.
Synergism with Chitosan & (Salicylic Acid, Not needed).

Chitosan Oligosaccharide: used as foliar spray at 100 ppm in flower from week 2 through to week 4.
1 Gram goes very far, 3 years potentially, use in homeopathic doses.
Like Methyl Jasmonate but weaker in producing SAR effect & less terpene stimulation.

(Synthetic Cytokinin) 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP): Used as a foliar Spray. 0.1g-0.3g to 1 litre of water to achieve 100-300 PPM. Use at week 2 to end of week 4 of flowering along side Nutri-Kelp Powder - Ascophyllum nodosum Cytokinin.
6-BAP will stop all natural upward growth & concentrate on flowering when used in doses of 300 PPM or greater. Use 150 PPM until the end of week 4 to avoid loss of upward growth, at the end of week 4 use 300 PPM to fully utilize 6-BAP.
Can be used with Methyl Jasmonate (MeJa)

Methyl Jasmonate (MeJa): 6th week to 8th week (depending on strain) of flower after all bud has formed, as to not lose any bud mass. Apply MeJa potentially three weeks before harvest.
1mg per litre = 5 ug / PPM? concentration. Mix 1mg with ethanol before adding it to water.
Requires refrigeration.
Dipping seeds in jasmonic acid will kick-start a plant's natural defenses against pests.
Will increase smell of plants.

Gibberellin (GA-3: Use Gibberellin with Methyl Jasmonate 6th week to 8th week (depending on strain) of flower after all bud has formed, as to not cause any stretch before harvest. Apply MeJa/GA-3 potentially three weeks before harvest.
Gibberellin PPM Guide.
How much to apply? with MeJa........?.........?.......
PPM 50 - GA mg 125 Water 2400ml Purpose = early flower
PPM 200 - GA mg 125 Water 600ml Purpose = early flower
PPM 800 - GA mg 125 Water 160ml Purpose = blossom set
PPM 2000 - GA mg 125 Water 60ml Purpose = Seed germ
1%paste - GA mg 125 Water 5ml Purpose = growth promoter

Gibberellin and jasmonic acid together will have a synergistic effect on both trichome number and density, Jasmonic acid is also responsible for increasing THC within the trichome.
GA-3 increases the size of the trichome/resin glands allowing MeJe to increases THC & terpenes within them.

Sodium Nitrophenolate (Atonik) : Apply at 6 day intervals from early veg till 6th to 9th week of flowering (depending on strain) Use 3-10 ppm, equivalent to the amount of 0.2-0.4 grams per mu.
like Triacontanol.
Instead of signaling direct tissue growth effects as with more common PGS’s (Plant growth stimulants) ie. Triacontanol, nitro’s stimulate the production of important plant chemical antioxidants.
Nitro’s are fertilizer synergists, that can increase the absorption of the nutrients while balancing any antagonism between fertilizers. Feed through the root system to stimulates root growth. Atonik is water soluble.
(1000 ppm Atonik?)

Brassinolide (BL) & 6-Benzylaminopurine (6-BAP) For Vegetative Growth.

.01 ppm Brassinolide and 50 ppm 6-BAP showed healthy rapid growth in comparison to untreated plants Brassinolide .01 ppm on its own had no noticeable effects same with 50 ppm 6-BAP. A concentration of .1 ppm Brassinolide caused the leaves to curl and growth to slow in comparison to the control. 500 ppm 6-BAP caused extreme mutation of the leaves and a complete halt in upward growth resulting in a small bush like thing with more leaves then I can count. 100 ppm 6-BAP caused a perfect topping effect at every node of the plant without slowing upward growth noticeable resulting in a tall bushy plant, pretty much an instant mother for taking more clones off of.
Foliar feed young plants in there first month with .01 ppm Brassinolide and 50 ppm 6-BAP; combined for some incredible growth.

Another big bonus. If you spray MJ with 300 ppm of Brassinolide at the end of the 4th week to 7th week (depending on strain) of flowering; there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinolide in veg, the end result is outstanding in terms of quality and yield.

As you stated this is not tried and true for cannabis!!!
Are you in a position to do side by side experiments?
Without those this is just anecdotal evidence!!!

Where did you source your Chitosan from and how much was it??


Sorry Omer1 for the mass post & potentially dragging the topic of subject, it might be useful to someone someday :dunno: :)

Back to BRASS, since iv'e already given my plants a mega mega dose of 100 ppm, do you think it would be wise to apply it potentially at week 4 of flower when you get that infamous well of bud growth,
what do you think guys?

no problem :tiphat:
i dont see a problem to use it in flower, but you have to be careful because of the stretch. like shaggy said you better use a brass/bap combo. 0.01/100/50 brass/bap/thiamine could be a good mix to start imo. good luck, and please report results :tiphat:


Another big bonus. If you spray MJ with 300 ppm of Brassinolide at the end of the 4th week to 7th week (depending on strain) of flowering; there is a dramatic increase in bud growth. Combined with the earlier spraying of Brassinolide in veg, the end result is outstanding in terms of quality and yield.

ok, that part is interesting... but 300ppm bras!?