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Boxers...all wiggles n kisses


Cookie monster

Legend says when God was fashioning different breeds of dog out of clay, he came to his final task and decided to create the most beautiful dog ever and call it a ‘Boxer’. But this new breed of dog was vain and rushed to see himself in the mirror before the clay was properly set and bumped headlong into his own reflection. That accounts for the flat nose characteristic of the Boxer, and also proves that God really did accomplish his design for the world’s most beautiful dog!

Boxers have to be the most loyal and lovable breed of dog i have ever had the pleasure of owning, every boxer owner i 've ever talked to thinks that they are the best breed of dog that there is.

I've had my 2 since they were pups, male and female brindle's aged 4 and 3 1/2 and life has not been the same since ,neither has the bank balance but money is worthless compared to the joy the pups have brought into my life.

Hyperactive balls of concentrated energy is a good way to describe the average boxer or dogs with ADHD might be more apt, some people confuse it with stupidity but boxers are quite a clever breed of dog with a great memory.
Then there is the love they give their owners and family, a boxers favourite thing/toy in the world is their family and friends.

So who else has boxers or loves the breed?


I have had multiple.............They are the most wonderful dogs on the planet! Now, If we could only harness the power of the "Stub" :)

Cookie monster


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Cookie monster

Beautiful boxer Okie, are you teaching him/her how to grow :)
My hubby and i Adopted a Boxer december 2008.... he was skinny, you could see his spine and ribs showing, we fed him and nursed him back to health and up to a healthy 65 lbs. and pure muscle. Bully was a beautiful dog to have around you... when you were HOME. When we were home he listened well, and I have to admit I miss his snuffles and wiggling..... i loved how when he wagged his tail his whole back end just wiggled about lol.. but I don't miss the destruction. We couldn't leave hima lone in the house.... he destroyed so much... and I mean he got onto the counters, broke pyrex plates, and cut his paws open, I came home to a blood and poo covered kitchen. He would go poo in my room, and pee all over my clothes. He even jumped out of my bedroom window.... 12 feet down... he did it twice and didn't break anything. We would lock him in a dog cage and he'd break out, so i have to put a combination lock on the cage door so he couldn't get out.... then he managed to shake the cage along the floor until he could pull things into the cage.... We spent 6 months doing this.... 6 months of having our house destroyed everytime we left. So we gave him away to a single mother who is home all the time. And now he's an angel.... he has someone home with him all the time so he's not left alone. We're happy he found a good home, but never again will we own a boxer. Too many destructive memories lol. We were pitbull people and always will be, we have our 2 pitts and no problems.

Here's Bully



Cookie monster

Aw he's a beaut, good on you for rescuing him and finding a good home for him when things didn't work out, you did what was best for bully even tho it's was probably heart breaking to do.

Sadly i know all about the carnage and destruction boxers will inflict on pretty much anything you own.

My big guy is jack 73 pounds of pure idiot who suffers from target fixation, it's like when he's chasing something it's the only thing he sees.
So far he's shattered the glass door on the over with his head in some futile attempt to catch his stump, knocked over my motorbike several times and jumped into a hydro system and destroyed both it and the herer plants i had growing.

The little girl boxer poppy is worse, she chews things when she's pissed off with me and if she cant find anything to chew she will either destroy the dogs bed/ piss on the floor or just bark non-stop at me.

As much as i give out about them sometimes, i would'nt change a single thing about them.
Here's a few more pics of 2 dogs who seemed to have trained a human.


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haha i see they are ready for the holidays lol.

ya bully has a good home now, supossedly he doesn't make any messes, doesn't pee or poop in the house. he's developed a close relationship with the baby, i guess he's happy he's found someone he can follow every where lol. we just couldn't handle all the destrcution and it kept getting worse. it wasn't fair to him to have to always be punished, not fair to us all the damage and time spent cleaning, and it wasn't fair to our other dog Rocky. So the best choice was made. now we have our 2 pitts :)

here's some more of Bully


Bully with his cone after cutting his... stomach/genital area open in the woods.... he was a very angry dog after the vets that day lol. he was smashing everything with his cone and banging it on the walls to make noise. he even used it as a plow to push me lol. He was not a happy dog... few days later outside in the cold winter while out for his business ha smashed it and it shattered and that was the end of the cone. :D them to keep him away from his staples.....

here's Bully and our pitt Rocky



check out the pitty thread! http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=137924


Lammen Gorthaur
Here's Stray.

We've had all kinds of dogs but this is our first Boxer. Without a doubt Stray will not be our last. I hold out hope for him, but he has cancer now and we all know what that means. Still, you take every day as it comes and you enjoy the time you have with all of God's creatures. You should see this cardinal that comes by. Whoa! Now that is one red bird.


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european ganja growers
yo yo yo whats up fellow boxer owners....lovely looking dog peeps....

LMS, Bully looks like a cracking dog,,,props to you and your man for taking him in youve done a great thing there (he wont forget that)... i know what your saying about the lampshade (cone) ive just went throught it.

cookie, Layla gets the funny lips shit happening aswell....when she wakes up with those massssive, thay seem to get cought up everywhere hahaha...its that or the tongue sticking out

hears Layla..

check the eye snot..



the day she got her lampshade of (sorry about the flash)



keep it green

Cookie monster

Aw he's a handsome boy, what age is doobie?

Well it's be cold as bejesus over here -13 at night but the pups are loving the snow


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Cookie monster

A few more


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Doobie is 2. he was my hubbies parents dog, after my hubbys dad had an accident doobie was given away to friends of his parents. sadly when they could no longer care for doobie instead of call us and keep him in the family he was sent to the pound.. so i hope he has found a good home he is a happy social dog. My hubby and i have a weak spot for dogs who need a home, if we can't keep them we find them a good home.

Cookie monster

I have a funny feeling that a happy social great looking pup like doobie probably found a loving home pretty quickly.

You and your hubby sound like good people, much love and respect heading to ye.

Any of you guys have chewers?

Had a really shit stressfull day in work today so i went for a beer in the local.
In the 2 hours I was gone Poppy the little girl boxer broke down the dog gate, chewed 1 pair of wolly gloves,2 sacks of potatoes,the plastic brush handle and a chair.

I'd swear she does these things because she's pissed off that she had to stay at home...
Boxers are like haVing young kids, like you said she is throwing a fit. you left her at home. dogs just like kids want attention bad or good as long as your attention is on them. Bully would do anything for atention, one day he started to chew on the house siding after i just gave him shit for chewing the stairs! ! ! :) bully was a chewer for sure