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Bought a new LEC 315 bulb but it's scratched.


Active member
I just received a LEC 315w bulb that I ordered. I opened it up and there are two scratches on it. The manufacturers safety warnings say not to use it. Is it safe to use or should I request a refund?


Well-known member
No good, me thinks. Round cylinders can take a lot of expansion related stress. Glass is tough, but you just need score a sheet, for it to know where to break. It's just that foot in the door. The stress riser.

Send pics to whoever. They may play ball.


Active member
Yeah, you're correct. I was pretty disappointed when I opened up the package and saw the scratches on it. One is a quarter inch in length and the other is about half an inch. They're scored deep enough that they can be felt when wiping with a microfiber cloth. Should I not use a microfiber cloth to wipe them down?


Well-known member
That sound quite deep, to be snagging some cloth enough to feel it.

I doubt the cloth used makes much difference, unless it's leaving lint all over them. You wouldn't want grease and plastics bubbling away on the glass. I tend to use tissue, though my t-shirt is also on the menu.


Active member
So I just got the 2nd shipment for the same order from the same vendor and it included another bad light with loose metal inside the tube. You can lightly shake the bulb and the internal housing bounces around both visibly and audibly. I hope the vendor makes things right. I'll be sure to let icmag know if they don't.


Active member
As of right now I can't recommend buying from growgeneration.com. They sent me two bad bulbs out of three from my order. I requested replacement of the bad lights. I received them but they were both damaged upon receipt. So, that is a total of four broken bulbs out of five sent. Whoever packed them for shipping didn't even wrap them in bubble wrap and they were squished into the shipping box. Here is an unboxing video showing the damage to each bulb.

(i.imgur.com/xNIKOt0 )

The first bulb is the 3100K and it is loose from the housing and there is broken metal.
The second bulb is the 4200K and it has broken glass and what appears to be metal shavings inside the tube.

I requested a refund and I will be sure to let Icmag know if they make good on it.
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Well-known member
These lamps sound like customer returns. It needs some real junk handling, to scratch them badly. The shop seems to of then continued to treat them with the same degree of respect.

I know a big customers failing 6s were tried with a few lamps, before the whole lot was taken down and returned with zero care for any of it. It was piled in shopping trolleys, at the shop, for anyone interested. These things do happen. I suspect a similar story behind this. Except this shop, is trying to salvage some of it.