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Bone Meal: "High Yield" vs "Organic Choice"?

Preparing to mix up a batch of container / garden soil, we ducked into the garage, dug through accumulated "stuff", and pulled out some half-used bags of soil amendments.

Half a 20 lb. bag of "High Yield" bone meal from the "farm store" was there, along with a small bag of Miracle Grow's "Organic Choice Bone Meal" that came from a "big box" outlet. The first bag showed a 0-10-0 NPK ratio, while the second one said 6-9-0.

There was nothing on the "High-Yield" label to indicate the source of the bone, but since it's made in Texas, "cow" is the best guess.

The "Miracle Grow" product, on the other hand, has a label full of flowers, and proudly proclaims "Non-cow sources to ensure highest quality". On the back of the package, in much, much, smaller print, the source of the product is listed as "Porcine bone meal".

Could the difference in the respective NPK ratios be the result of a different form of processing whereby the "MG" includes a significant quantity of blood? ( Most blood meal we've seen lists swine as the source. )

The "MG" product comes in the form of small granules with a medium tan color, while the "High Yield" bone meal is off-white, with a much chunkier, "pieces of bone", consistency.

Aside from the "Moslem vs Hindu" aspect, is either one preferable?

We'd like to find a non dead-animal, non-guano, organic, Phosphorous source, but right now, that appears a difficult task.

( Experiments in "all manure & compost" growing should prove interesting, if there's time this season. )


Living with the soil
Have you considered rock phosphate? I'm not sure of the issues attached to it,whether it has environmental issues or not,sustainability,etc. Animal bones and blood for me are just questionable items to use as part of my organic garden. Were these beasts fed organic grains? What medications did they have injected into them,etc,etc. The words "miracle grow"....that's main stream crack for sure. Good luck,you'll find something that works for you somewhere. PEACE


i dont know if MG bone has blood in it but i have used this product. it was free from lowes (the gad was ripped)...worked well in my garden..
i dont trust MG products so i searched for some more info before applying to my garden and saved them links... maybe you might find these helpful

a excellent non dead animal P source would be soft rock P, keep an eye out for that stuff. people may say it takes to long to break down but that isnt true if your soil alive (plenty of good compost) and even better if the SRP is pulverized. (be sure its soft rock phosphorus, the others are a waste of money) also when amending soil, i find most who have experience advise (after amending) to let the soil sit for a while so the microbes can go to work on them goods.

i personally prefer fish bone when using bone meal, witch has a little N it as well.


haha,all i know is i see it suggested in vegan organics
if it is, at least they died naturally and not slaughtered
Alternative and Adaptive

Alternative and Adaptive

For some reason, we never though of Rock Phosphate as an "organic" amendment.

As a naturally occurring mineral deposit, it probably qualifies as "organic" for our purposes.

We'll probably try it once the current bone-meal supply runs out.

Thanks for the feedback.

The fewer Porcine and Bovine parts in our mix, the better.

No telling what-all gets pumped into those animals.

At least when we use composted manures, all that "stuff" has had multiple cycles of digestion and decomposition to be broken-down and/or leached out.

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