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Bill Clinton: States should experiment with marijuana legalization


Active member
Now, the biggest hypocrite of them all, "Slick Willie" weighs in on the topic, as he lies for his wife. He wants badly back into that white house, and he has no shame continuing to lie about his own drug use. This is man who smoked weed daily, and had a serious cocaine problem, which required surgery on his septum. They really don't come any sleazier or disingenuous than the Clintons:

"Former President Bill Clinton, who once famously said he smoked marijuana but "didn't inhale," says he thinks legalization should be for the states to decide — not the federal government.

"Look, I think there's a lot of evidence to argue for the medical marijuana thing," Clinton said in an interview with NBC's David Gregory broadcast on Sunday's "Meet the Press."

"I think there are a lot of unresolved questions," Clinton continued. "This really is a time when there should be laboratories of democracy, because nobody really knows where this is going. Are there adequate quality controls? There's pot and there's pot; what's in it? What's going to happen? There are all these questions."

States like Colorado — which in January was the first U.S. state to legalize recreational marijuana — should be allowed to experiment with marijuana laws, he said.

"I think we should leave it to the states," Clinton said. "If the state wants to try it, they can. And then they'll be able to see what happens."

Earlier this month, Hillary Clinton was questioned about her views on legalization.

“On recreational, states are the laboratories of democracy,” the former secretary of state said during a CNN “Town Hall” event. “I want to wait and see what the evidence is.”

On medical marijuana, Clinton said more evidence is needed to prove it works.

“At the risk of committing radical candor, I have to say I think we need to be very clear about the benefits of marijuana use for medicinal purposes," she said. “I don’t think we’ve done enough research yet, although I think for people who are in extreme medical conditions and have anecdotal evidence that it works, there should be availability under appropriate circumstances. But I do think we need more research, because we don't know how it interacts with other drugs."

In 1992, Bill Clinton, then a Democratic candidate for president, commented on his own use of pot during a campaign forum in New York.

"When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two and didn’t like it,” Clinton said of his time as a student at Oxford in the late 1960s. “I didn’t inhale, and I didn’t try it again.”"

Late last year, Clinton was asked about this remark, which was widely ridiculed.
"I didn’t say I was holier than thou. I said I tried. I never denied that I used marijuana,” Clinton said. “I told the truth. I thought it was funny. And the only journalist who was there said I told the truth.”

Earlier this year, President Barack Obama made headlines in an interview in which he called marijuana a "bad habit" and "a vice" but said it was no more dangerous than alcohol.

“As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life," Obama told the New Yorker's David Remnick. "I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol.”

The president said he believed that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol “in terms of its impact on the individual consumer."

"It’s not something I encourage," Obama continued, "and I’ve told my daughters I think it’s a bad idea, a waste of time, not very healthy.”

I don't know of a more despicable couple than the Clintons. I would not vote for them if they were giving out free pounds of Gorilla Glue. There are some things you just don't stand for when it comes to electing public officials. The Clinton's continuing and endless lies is one of those things. Pandering to stoners is a new low, even for them.


Well-known member
lukewarm on the messenger, but not on the message
let republican/libertarian/tea party tell us where they stand
makes for a dialog and pushes MJ federal law as more of an election issue


ICMag Donor
lukewarm on the messenger, but not on the message
let republican/libertarian/tea party tell us where they stand
makes for a dialog and pushes MJ federal law as more of an election issue

I think Libertarians are polar different from republicans/tea party

Libertarians have always stressed ending the drug war and that it's immoral to begin with. I don't think you'll ever see that from republicans/tea party or democrats.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
I think he is running a little interference for Hillary.If they can convince the people that it is indeed a states rights issue,then it is not necessary for Hillary to take an actual stand on the issue.That way she can make visionary statements like " I want to wait and see what the evidence is ”,without taking any risk politically.

Not to mention,that if she were to just leave it to the states,then the DEA can continue to run roughshod over peoples personal rights irregardless of state law,because it is illegal at the Federal level.

Nice to see them both "taking a real stand" on this issue instead of passing it off as a political hot potato. ( a little sarcasm there).


Well-known member
I think Libertarians are polar different from republicans/tea party

Libertarians have always stressed ending the drug war and that it's immoral to begin with. I don't think you'll ever see that from republicans/tea party or democrats.

didn't really mean to lump them together, just the list of the big political players
would love to see each party's current stance, those may be changing
we pro MJ voters are beginning to become a demographic that can not be ignored anymore


Well-known member
the parties stance versus what the "little people" that belong (nominally) to the party are frequently 180 degrees out. I have friends that are registered democrats, money-grubbing republicans, libertarians, Christians, atheists, & a few really confused fuckers that aint sure what they believe. but damn near every one of them thinks that pot should be legal, legal to grow, & is none of the govts business. NEVER confuse what the national party says for what the folks back home think...


Well-known member
the parties stance versus what the "little people" that belong (nominally) to the party are frequently 180 degrees out. I have friends that are registered democrats, money-grubbing republicans, libertarians, Christians, atheists, & a few really confused fuckers that aint sure what they believe. but damn near every one of them thinks that pot should be legal, legal to grow, & is none of the govts business. NEVER confuse what the national party says for what the folks back home think...

that sums it up nicely, and it adds up to the people's will being thwarted
frustrating, to put it mildly
as much as i dislike 'parties', they're a reality, small group of rich pricks that get what they want
when those voices change, that's when federal law will change, not until then


that sums it up nicely, and it adds up to the people's will being thwarted
frustrating, to put it mildly
as much as i dislike 'parties', they're a reality, small group of rich pricks that get what they want
when those voices change, that's when federal law will change, not until then

The political party system is the sole reason this nation is as fucked up as it is....period.

IMO, they should be outlawed. ALL of them.

An individual should be voted into office based on their experience and qualifications, not their "party".

The only thing the party system has done for this nation is circumvent the will of citizens through graft and corruption. They ALL need to go.
I think all this boils down to is money. When all the other states start to feel left out of the money game, they will jump on the bandwagon. Watch what I'm saying. In 5 years more than half of the states will be legal.

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